1. Ofc it's me, who else would be disgusted by these nubs and what they did with the guild.

  2. Ofc it's me, who else would be disgusted by these nubs and what they did with the guild.
    Za Lord is back, that guy is Kakaashi
    Idk u let them make this :D i blame user /Blame Userx

  3. Ofc it's me, who else would be disgusted by these nubs and what they did with the guild.
    What? Who? :D
    Edited: April 28, 2020

  4. June 8, 2020  
    MadNess of Userx getting angry on Cev and Pullbar

    who are you from the old Core btw?

  5. MadNess of Userx getting angry on Cev and Pullbar

    who are you from the old Core btw?
    Pulbar ;)
    And he did not direct that madness to Cev or me, but someone else.
    Reason to complicated to explain xD

  6. I made an application on the guild forums, but tried to add some of the officers to friend list and on all names it says to me "Friend must be part of your alliance" or "Player not found", i could add only Cev. Is there new leadership on this guild or whats up? :D

  7. Even now sometimes I have a drink and watch our old videos and remember all the things we used to do.

    I know ppl come and read this from time to time so I will just say it, my biggest regret is ever disbanding the guild, all the things we accomplished on retail means so little. The true hearth and soul of the guild was always here, the fun times all the dumb and crazy **** we did together is what I remember.
    So many awesome and some sadly bad memories are here it's hard to even remember them, but still are always amazing to remember.

    Those true Infusion members will always remember this:

    We ride together,
    We die together,
    Bad Boys for life.

  8. July 5, 2023  
    I couldn't agree more ;)
    Fyi, the guild name is still saved and will be so forever ;)


  9. July 5, 2023  
    We had a lot of moments good or bad that kept the guild alive saomehow that disband was inevitable !
    The fun we had will never be replicated xD and the way we did it was the key that kept the comunity.
    The true Infusion core group will always remember the guild and rise up to the call of infusion!

    /wave from Swaatt aka Elshamy (for those who remember this name)

    P.S. Userx I own the guild name that we used on retail here on icecrown

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