1. Head and Shoulder Enchants?

    How do we get Head and Shoulder Enchants? These are the only 2 enchants that I can't seem to find in AH. What's the easiest way to get them for a warlock? I have gold but I don't really want to grind reputation, do weekly raids, or anything like that. Can I buy them with PVP/Honor points?

    I'm only playing for BG. My people needs me out here, Horde only winning 1/10 in BG. And I feel like without those enchants we'll never reach that 2/10.

  2. Northrend factions - at their quartermasters. Each faction has a different enchant. They're PvE enchants and they cost gold.
    You can buy PvP enchants for shoulders and head in WG when your faction controls the base. They cost Stone Keeper's Shards.

  3. You need to do faction reputation for head and shoulder enchants, mostly player choose Argent Crusade reputation for head and Son of Hodir reputation for shoulder.

  4. For PvP ench, you can go winter and buy it with shards

  5. How do we get Stone Keeper's Shard? Can buy it with gold or is it something like do weekly raids? Also, do I need to grind reputations with those factions (like Winter)? Because right now, they don't even know I exist.

  6. You get them by doing WG weeklies and by killing dungeon bosses when your faction controls WG. For Wintergrasp you don't need any rep.

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