1. Naxx Nerfs

    Very disappointed that you guys nerfed the Heigan, Sapphiron, and KT fights in Naxxramas on the Frostmourne realm.I thought this was supposed to be challenging content? We had a healer literally healing through the slime on heigan and the Sapphiron fight requires almost no frost resist gear.

  2. Then do it with 20 instead of 25, or 6 instead of 10. It was probably tweaked cause most people had issues.

  3. If you have encountered a bug report it on the bugtracker. Frostmourne is new, some bugs are to be expected, but since it's new, it's expected that it gets faster fixes.
    Thing is no one could tell if it's a bug or intentional. A lot of people have been complaining about Frostmourne's difficulty, so when you go in and two of the hardest fights are easier, you expect it to be a nerf not a bug.

    However supposedly they have said that it was unintentional and occurred when they fixed the damage certain bosses were doing against pets (like million of damage) and they will revert it back to how it was before Sunday night reset.

  4. Thing is no one could tell if it's a bug or intentional. A lot of people have been complaining about Frostmourne's difficulty, so when you go in and two of the hardest fights are easier, you expect it to be a nerf not a bug.

    However supposedly they have said that it was unintentional and occurred when they fixed the damage certain bosses were doing against pets (like million of damage) and they will revert it back to how it was before Sunday night reset.
    Yep, there we go, that's what rational people do: check if it's a bug and if it's intentional. No need to delete characters and make childish angry posts on the forum.
    Thanks for the info.

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