1. May 13, 2020  

    Stability issues with the server.


    I want to start saying the server is great. Since the release I had great fun. I tried to play many other servers with the patch 3.3.5 but none of them were as "complete" as warmane.
    Letting aside a few minor bugs that are constantly reported and most of them are fixed, I encountered some stability issues with the server. Quick disconnects, most of the time in same place. Like Krasus Landing in Dalara - I get there, and it disconnects me, reconnecting without problems and then again after 5-6 seconds. Leaving that area having absolutely no problems, Same happening fishing in Ogrimmar, and another spot in Borean Tundra at the horde keep. It doesnt happen all the time, but at least 1 time per day it does. And it doesnt seem to be a population issue since Im okay standing close to AH were the crowds are big. And also I'm not the only one with this problem, a few guild members having such problems ( the funny thing ) in total other spots / The memorial or the Inn.
    Anyone else encountered this problem?

  2. May 13, 2020  
    Temporary notice

    The realm is basically being DDoS'd by the amount of players that are playing. In order to maintain a playable state of the game, the realm disconnects players that remain AFK in certain locations for long times and it also disconnects people that are doing nothing or barely anything in popular locations.

    For example, if you are spending too much time in Dalaran simply idling, or just going around doing minor quests in Dalaran for more than an hour or two, it'll disconnect you to make room for players that actually want to play. It does not discriminate between contributors and other players. These measures are mostly targeted at players who are idling in Dalaran, so most locations do not have the same measures lined up.

    We are making countlesss measures to combat this and to continue making the realm a playable place. You have probably noticed it, but the average server latency has increased, this is a direct result of increased numbers of players. One of the measures, we are already doing is making two Dalarans that work with each other seamlessly so players will not notice it, but in fact we will be running two Dalarans, one instanced and one in the real world. Other measures are temporarily lowering visibility distance but even so the average player has hundreds of players in their immediate view distance.

    To make the realm more playable, you can do a simple thing yourselves, avoid popular places and spread around more, enjoy what the game has to offer instead of idling in one place. This will directly impact the playability of the realm. After all, these are unusual times, both in real life and in-game, but we will adapt, as we have always adapted. We are monitoring the situation on all realms around the clock 24/7 and more measures to ensure stability can be expected.
    This from devs, i can confirm for dalaran you are kicked when staying to long, not sure if its for all others major citys also.

  3. May 13, 2020  
    Not just for staying "too long" I can simply hs in to one of the inns and instantly getting disconnected.

  4. May 13, 2020  
    Yes indeed. TP to Dalaran, went to Krassus Landing, and got disconnected, wasnt even AFK or planned to stay in Dalaran for a long time.

  5. May 14, 2020  
    This is a "temporary" fix put by devs to mitigate the sudden influx of players between the new server and the global quarantine.
    It happens only in Dalaran, and only if you stay more than tot minutes (probably variable based on what you do and the current strain of the server). You can't avoid it.

    Source: http://forum.warmane.com/showthread.php?t=415270

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