1. May 16, 2020  

    Impossible to find arena partners?


    Why is the server so insanely dead in terms of pvp :O, Almost every day ive been looking for people to play some casual 2s with, but It can go hours and I dont see anyone writing in global asking for 2s or 3s. I thought it would be quite much pvp because of x7 and a shop. Am i missing something?:(

  2. May 17, 2020  
    It's only partially dead :)

    Noone is really playing 3s at the moment because there is zero incentive to do so. All the pvp gear can be acquired from doing 2s and the point difference, considering same rating, is not enough to push people into 3s. However, I think in later seasons you will need to do 3s for best rewards, so give it time.

    On the other hand, 2s is absolutely booming. There is plenty of people in que even in the middle of the night. I do think majority of people, myself included, play with their friends or arena partners that they came to the server with.

    What I would suggest is being patient and spamming global until you get someone willing to give it a shot. But also, take a look at the ladder and see where your class/spec fits into the current meta. For example, an arms warrior will always find a healer easier than let's say an enhancement shaman. This might seem like common sense, but very few people play arena casually and therefore are quite picky as to what comp they will run.

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