1. Can't queue for normal HoR even with sufficient gear


    Is the character. Note that I have also experimented with replacing some ilvl 200 pieces with even higher gear.

    I can queue for FoS and PoS both normal AND heroic. I have done the lead-in quest too, so it's not that.

    Why can't I queue for HoR normal in the RDF? Is my alchemist stone somehow messing it up? I know it's ilvl 200 but it doesn't actually show that in game.

  2. HoR Heroic requires 219 avarage ilvl.

    HoR normal should requires less but on warmane it is bugged and it requires 219 as for the Heroic mode.
    As far as I know this same issue affects ToC/FoS/PoS as well (about having the same ilvl requirement for both normal and heroic mode)
    Edited: November 3, 2020

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