1. Your account has been suspended for 1 month 4 weeks due to Ninja in raid

    I want to know the reason behind the ban of my account (zaaben ) server (Frostmourne)

    If the reason is a paladin about an item in onyxia raid
    Here's what really happends : the item is a dps caster item with hit rating attribute. And the healer paladin rolled for it so i anounces that its only for dps and ignored his roll.
    If i got banned for this reason,I ask u kindly to reconsider your
    judgement, else i wanna know why
    Edited: December 1, 2020

  2. http://forum.warmane.com/showthread.php?t=346180 - this topic is related to your issue, read it carefully.

    What you can do is try to open a ban appeal, which should appear as an option when you try to create a Support ticket. Do not use any special characters at all, just plain text, when writing your appeal - that's a security measure because special characters can be exploited. Also, be polite and courteous - remember you are appealing for the ban to be lifted, not demanding anything. Ban appeals have low priority and evidence leading to the ban will have to be re-checked, so it might be a few days before you get a reply - which might also be your appeal being denied.
    Also reading your text I am sure you might have ignored other rolls too.
    Good luck getting your bann lifted.
    Edited: December 1, 2020

  3. Yeah since they REQUIRE a screenshot lol. I DIDN'T NINJA! HE DIDN'T NEED IT MORE THAN ME/FRIEND lol

  4. Are you sure it was this very Onyxia raid that got you banned? It may have been a raid you did earlier this week, or even on last week.

    It may have been the said Onyxia raid, and I can guess the reason for ban, if indeed was the situation described. Sometimes you think you make right decision, by not allowing holy paladin rolling MS on spell caster sword with hit, some would agree with you. Though, ninja rules doesn't identify who needs it the most, who is the most suited, or who deserves it the most. It's still good for holy paladin, their judgments require hit rating to hit in order to heal the raid.

    If you want to avoid this in the future, be more clear of loot rules you make before the raid.

  5. In all seriousness, OhieMitzen is right. At start of any raid I pug, I have a copy/poste notepad with loot rules and raid rules and encourage members to screenshot them. They include DBW rolls, ms>os>transmog prio, along with overall rules like don't ninja pull, don't go afk for more than 30sec without notice or you will be removed from raid, just basic stuff like that. If anyone says anything to challenge a decision made with loot, I remind them of the loot rules posted at start of raid. I haven't got banned for "ninja looting" yet even though I don't always give out the loot to highest roller if it clashes with the rules I set forth.

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