1. Frostmourne: One Week Lockouts With Increased Loot

    Frostmourne is coming to an end and with it comes hopefully a new season. One thing I would suggest for the upcoming reset is reverting back to one week lockouts but increasing loot and badge reward drops to mitigate the shortened timeline. Many guilds I've spoken with feel like they don't get proper progression time in because of the current lockout system reseting twice a week and are raiding significantly more than you would on a normal server simply to push progression as a result, which we all know has been a huge contributor to burnout.

    Now I know the Icecrown community would be up in arms about this, "Half the effort, double the loot?" but the simple fact of the matter is that icecrown has been around for years and its members will significantly outstrip frostmourne transfers in terms of gear anyway. We already have a system that rewards twice as much loot for the timeline, so why not make proper progression less stressful and more manageable for guilds?
    Edited: January 24, 2021

  2. You literally said it yourself: half the effort double the loot.
    Guilds that have become lazy to raid twice per week are just going to get left behind by the guilds that aren't and that's all there is to it.

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