1. [H] <Cocain Brilliance> Startup members recruitment

    <Cocain Brilliance>

    We are looking for a few mature, easy going and fun people to start our 10-man PVE progression and PVP guild with. The goal is to progress into 10-man, gear up quick and progress into 10-man heroic.

    Why 10-man?
    We feel like it forms much closer groups which are much more fun to raid with, and as an extra you don't have to deal with annoying children that take the game way to serious and lack all kind of moral. Don't get me wrong, we will have 1 fixed and serious raid day on wednesday but in a way that's actually fun. We will not insult each other for mistakes or ban people from loot.

    For things other than our raid day, we're looking for people that also like to enjoy some beers while playing and have some actual ****ing fun ;)

    Do you want to do some pvp & world pvp / transmog runs / boosting / while having a good laugh in the weekend? Hit me up in-game (Speedkwiet) or pm here!

  2. Hello there,

    I'm coming here from other progression server and I've played quite a bit on Icecrown realm. I'm interested in joining your team as I'd like to have a small but good knowing team.

    Hit me up on discord: Madproof#3651

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