1. This looks really great, thank u so much for ur work

  2. Hi. Is 2-T9 Molten armor bug still works (Lordaeron realm)? Also what u think abiut crit geming (12sp/10crit; 20crit; 10crit/10spirit)?
    Edited: September 26, 2020

  3. molten armor bug not working on icecrown, about gemming its rng for crit, in some fights u will be above 94% and in some u will sit under 70%, so in my opinion because i tried both, i would stay with normal geming because of more sp

  4. May 7, 2021  
    Link to frost spec talents has shatter 0/3, which is a loss of 50% crit rating on every spell buffed by fingers of frost proc. Loss for any1 but a bis crit focused mage.

  5. May 7, 2021  

    It only apply on frozen targets, meanwhile it's a pve oriented spec and boss are immuned, it's not interresting againt them

    If you have any other points, do not hesitate to ask


  6. May 8, 2021  
    Fingers of frost: Your next 2 spells will be treated as if the target was frozen

  7. May 9, 2021  
    My bad, I actualized the spec
    Thanks for the correction


  8. May 27, 2021  
    Tiny, what's your discord A/C again?

  9. Hi,
    Small bump

    Here is a video/guide for LoD : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfHahJwkQek

    Choice of the music is yours ^^ I put no sound on it :)

    People who want benefit from the guide, make sure to activate subtitles



  10. 2 Days Ago  
    Looks like you did a lot of work, but the link is dead, the website is "archived". Is there any redirect, or possibility of putting this in an accessable doc?

  11. 14 hours ago  
    Are you sure ? can someone confirm the link does not work ?
    It work perfectly on my side (but as the owner it may be biased)
    There is the link used : https://sites.google.com/site/pvemage335/home

    it would be great if someone else could try, especially the link displayed on the main post : https://forum.warmane.com/showthread...=1#post2876610

    Thanks by advance,


    PS : looking at the analytics nothing seem usual I had 23 distinct visitors yesterday

  12. 9 hours ago  
    Site works, it seems all the template links are archived.

    1. Fire
    1. Leveling up as Frost mage - links directs to archived pages.
    2. Leveling up as Fire mage - links directs to archived pages.
    3. Leveling up as Arcane mage - links direct to archived pages.
    4.1 Traditionnals Templates - links directs to archived pages. | You got typo there, should be "Traditional"
    4.3 My Template - links directs to archived pages.

    2. Arcane
    4.2 Traditionnals Templates - links directs to archived pages.

    3. Living Bomb FrostFire
    2.2 Traditionnal Template - links directs to archived pages.

    4. ColdSnap FrostFire
    1. Template - links directs to archived pages.

    Stopped checking further links at this point

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