Fire Mage Weak Auras UI
Hi there guys. I'd like to introduce myself before explaining what I'm about to share. I'm Lunminas, a Disco Priest main from the guild <Fade>, I've been playing on Warmane for around 3 to 4 years now with some experience on retail.
This Weak Auras was made in attempt to fulfill something that's been missing from the contemporary Wrath of the Lich King community: New and updated User Interfaces. This project is essentially a start to make the 3.3.5a experience inherit some of the best improvents from retail content. Taking into consideration that Weak Auras 2 has been updated in August to be compatible with a plethrera of components from the origial retail addon, it's now possible to develop clean, functional UIs on it's new 2.18 build, with added effects, conditions, triggers, etc.
With this, I'd like to share my WA Import, but do realize that this does not work with old version of Weak Auras.
If you're unsure where to download the new version, check for Bunny67's Weak Aura 2 Github repository. The build should be there.
There's one main group and 4 other groups linked to the main one for this UI, they are separated in order to keep things organized. All the dynamic groups are dynamic for a reason, you won't see the UI this clogged, the screenshot shows all icons for all groups.
- The Main Rotation group displays your most used abilities and resources. It has a multitude of functionality that you can't see at first sight too, one example is that your haste % on the fireball icon is tracked and changes color depending on the value. These small details are present throughout the UI.
- The Upper Group is used for heads up abilities such as molten armor and arcane intellect missing or about to fade out, it also tracks who has your Focus Magic so when it's about to expire, you know who to buff again, this timer is set to 5 minutes remaining on the buff.
- The Bottom Group is there for miscellaneous and otherwise not constantly used abilities, one especially important icon is the mana gem. It tracks your remaining charges and it's cooldown.
- The Left Group is your CDs tracker. It will display gloves and horde racials for bursting purposes. These icons will glow when off CD and when they're about to be usable again.
- The Right Group displays your defensives. None of them glow when off CD.
- Some important things to note on this UI is that your living bomb has 3 markers for timing purposes on DoT damage. Also, the 3 bars below the mana bar are displaying your Mirror Image uptime primarily. If you've used Combustion it will also change the border color of all bars to red.
Some detailed specific stuff for this UI
UI Comments
Since the Rogue and Paladin projects, I've laid back a bit and tried to maintain a clean and not too special UI. This doesn't mean it's not a very powerful UI by any means, I've tried to maintain effects and glows to a minimum so you focus on the important stuff always. I've also experimented with custom code a bit as well, the haste % and Mana gem auras being an example.
I'm pretty confident this UI has everything that you have to care about on PVE specific situations, it's important to know that I do all my UIs thinking that you can use it without any other type of UI, meaning if you know your rotation and remember your key presses, you can run ICC 25 HC solely with this UI and be just fine.
Please do take note that this Import only works on version 2.18 (or later) of Weak Auras(Bunny67's), and also that resizing the original UI is done through the Main Rotation group, simply go to Main Rotations, group, Group Scale.
As I said, this build is separated in 5 groups so we can keep it organized and modular. If there's things you don't want in your UI apart from the main rotation, you can simply not download it and it'll work just fine, also, the pastebin links can be changed easily, so if there's a new build, check the changelog and understand that it's already updated. With that being said, here are the links:
1. Fire Mage (Bottom Group)
2. Fire Mage (Left Group)
3. Fire Mage (Main Group)
4. Fire Mage (Right Group)
5. Fire Mage (Top Group)
More of my UIs
Did you like my UI? Please, make sure to check the rest! I'm attempting to make UIs for all classes. If you are interested, please check out this project's main thread for more.
v1.0 (19/11/2020) - Released
v1.1 (05/12/2020) - Fixed groups incorrectly anchored to Pyroblast proc (Dissapearing when aura is gone)