1. Failed to apply patch. Please try again later.

    I do have Administrator permissions & read/write access to the folder my 3.3.5 WoW is in.

    Version currently shows in the bottom left corner.

    Realmlist is pointed @ Warmane.

    Every time I login it goes to patch & fails.

    I don't see the question specifically listed here http://forum.warmane.com/showthread.php?t=321845 so my apologies if this is a frequent question.

    I'm also looking for an enUS client which I currently do have.

    Would appreciate any advice, info & observations! :-)

  2. Log in using your Warmane account name, not email address

    btw what do you mean with "I'm also looking for an enUS client which I currently do have."?

    Are you looking for something that you already have?

  3. I tried a different version of the game client & got to Authenticating then it goes immediately to You have been disconnected from the server.

    I am not currently using a VPN on the PC I am attempting to play from.

  4. Log in using your Warmane account name, not email address

    btw what do you mean with "I'm also looking for an enUS client which I currently do have."?

    Are you looking for something that you already have?
    I figured someone would suggest "download a different client"

    So I wanted to state if that was the suggestion & anyone recommended a client download that I was wanting enUS

    I'll try that thanks!

    Hey hey I got in awesome granted it was with the other client.

    I'll try them all maybe & decide on 1 since I downloaded a few since I wasn't sure which was the "best"

    Where could I find the info about what each realm offers?

    I thought it would be here but that's just statistics: https://www.warmane.com/information

  5. 1. to avoid "Failed to apply patch. Please try again later. " error you just need to log in using your Warmane account name, not email address.
    That is it

    2. The client you get here https://www.warmane.com/download is enUS

    3. to avoid being stuck on " Authenticating" you need to do this:
    1) Restart your PC
    2) close your Torrent client and move your WoW folder away from your Torrent's download destination
    3) now right click on WoW folder> Properties> remove "read-only"

    4. About realm information you can find some info at character selection screen:
    Lordaeron: https://i.imgur.com/TzF4hUR.png
    Frostmourne: https://i.imgur.com/uHz68bC.png
    Icecrown: https://i.imgur.com/G045kBV.png
    Blackrock: https://i.imgur.com/BeVaIWs.png

    Lordaeron: it is x1 realm with harder pve content (Bosses of Wotlk raids have more hp, more dmg and shorter berserker timer). It was a "progressive realm" but, since it has bene launched on september 2015, it is stacked at ICC-RS since many years
    (no gear on Coins-Shop)

    Frostmourne: is a "progressive-seasonal" realm. Which means every year it get resetted for a fresh new start. It emulate 3.0 patch and progress to next the patch every 3 months

    Icecrown: it is the older realm, since it is the result of the merge of Deathwing+Ragnaros realms. (that is why is the most populated, it is stuck at ICC-RS since always)

    Blackrock: it is the old Wotlk-Arena Torunamnet realm . Instant max lvl, only pvp. You can do Duels, BGs, Arenas (you will face enemy from icecrown/lordaeron as well in bg/arena)
    Edited: March 19, 2022

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