1. Alternative:
    People who want lower rates can choose to adjust their rates to lower.
    People who don't want to RDF, don't have to RDF.
    People who want higher rates can do with the x5.
    People who want to do RDF can do so.


    I mean, if so many don't want high rates or RDF, can easily form a guild and level x1 with no RDF without a complaint. Should be easy time with so many people wanting exactly that.
    There's more to it than that, RDF is absolutely going to mess with the natural amount of players in the world, outside dungeons, world PvP, people completing important quest chains associated with the dungeon (which all of them have) plus other factors. Sometimes you have to force players and limit them into the option that is healthier and more organic for the game, otherwise they'll ruin it for themselves. You guys have really got me concerned when it comes to understanding the essence of Vanilla.

  2. "just a week" is 168 hours.
    Don't forget that all people are not the same. Someone enjoying farming profession, chatting, helping others and only have roughly few hours per day not everyday.
    Even if you play everyday for 2 hours daily it will take 3 month to just level. I don't tell about grinding proffs, gearing, and noobs like me who don't have a knowledge of everything who will die 100 times and make it longer, and leveling Character who you will eventually abandon for another.
    Weirdos you describe is another problem, and making it x1 is not fixing it. It's called griefing and should be banned like bliz announce on official hardcore now.
    Also, just make it pve with an option to turn on pvp if you'd like.
    It's easy. It's 2023.
    So many options.

  3. There's more to it than that, RDF is absolutely going to mess with the natural amount of players in the world, outside dungeons, world PvP, people completing important quest chains associated with the dungeon (which all of them have) plus other factors. Sometimes you have to force players and limit them into the option that is healthier and more organic for the game, otherwise they'll ruin it for themselves. You guys have really got me concerned when it comes to understanding the essence of Vanilla.
    You are right, but don't think of this server as "vanilla" server. It's wotlk server, which gives you a chance to experience vanilla and tbc experience and transactions in between.
    Again, if people want vanilla I have very good servers to recommend.
    But do not force it here.

  4. "just a week" is 168 hours.
    Don't forget that all people are not the same. Someone enjoying farming profession, chatting, helping others and only have roughly few hours per day not everyday.
    Even if you play everyday for 2 hours daily it will take 3 month to just level. I don't tell about grinding proffs, gearing, and noobs like me who don't have a knowledge of everything who will die 100 times and make it longer, and leveling Character who you will eventually abandon for another.
    Weirdos you describe is another problem, and making it x1 is not fixing it. It's called griefing and should be banned like bliz announce on official hardcore now.
    Also, just make it pve with an option to turn on pvp if you'd like.
    It's easy. It's 2023.
    So many options.
    "Someone enjoying farming profession, chatting, helping others and only have roughly few hours per day not everyday." ok im pooped, bye

  5. You are right, but don't think of this server as "vanilla" server. It's wotlk server, which gives you a chance to experience vanilla and tbc experience and transactions in between.
    Again, if people want vanilla I have very good servers to recommend.
    But do not force it here.
    I just don't get why they'd go through all the effort of reverse-engineering Vanilla to be playable on 3.3.5 with all the original spell mechanics etc if they didn't want to at least have a product that feels like authentic Vanilla. Unfortunately, some decisions like RDF are more impactful on the authenticity than all of those things.

  6. Unfortunately, some decisions like RDF are more impactful on the authenticity than all of those things.
    Not really, you'll still see plenty of people out and around farming their weekly flasks and other materials in 50+ areas.
    So no, RDF is not ruining it.

  7. I just don't get why they'd go through all the effort of reverse-engineering Vanilla to be playable on 3.3.5 with all the original spell mechanics etc if they didn't want to at least have a product that feels like authentic Vanilla. Unfortunately, some decisions like RDF are more impactful on the authenticity than all of those things.
    They researched marketplace and target audience? If there are 1000 "vAniLLa pLayErS", why not sacrifice half of them and gain 5000 casuals who can't be bothered to find out where is the entrance to dungeon and for whom talking to people is too much.
    It's as basic and logical as it gets.

  8. I just don't get why they'd go through all the effort of reverse-engineering Vanilla to be playable on 3.3.5 with all the original spell mechanics etc if they didn't want to at least have a product that feels like authentic Vanilla. Unfortunately, some decisions like RDF are more impactful on the authenticity than all of those things.
    When you are already 5x XP its no longer the "authentic" experience. Either you go full QoL or go full original experience. No point half assing it.

  9. When you are already 5x XP its no longer the "authentic" experience. Either you go full QoL or go full original experience. No point half assing it.
    I think there is a decent middle ground though and it would be worth pursuing. You can still have an authentic endgame experience which is all anyone cares about anyway. Having a thriving world is crucial for Vanilla and even if RDF doesn't completely kill the world, it'll still affect it. All the people used to playing WotLK won't bother to venture out into the world, things like PvPing in contest of consumables and resources could be affected. There will be a bigger divide between noobs and knowledgeable players because a lot of noobs won't know to be doing dungeon quests or know how to do attunements or other gated content.

  10. Alternative:
    People who want lower rates can choose to adjust their rates to lower.
    People who don't want to RDF, don't have to RDF.
    People who want higher rates can do with the x5.
    People who want to do RDF can do so.


    I mean, if so many don't want high rates or RDF, can easily form a guild and level x1 with no RDF without a complaint. Should be easy time with so many people wanting exactly that.
    actually a W solution. let people choose and do whatever tf they want and they will do what they prefer to do. And that applies to literally everything wPvP, xp rates etc.

  11. RDF is absolutely going to mess with the natural amount of players in the world
    Untrue asf. x5 (probably) will, not the RDF itself. It's actually questionable what exact dungeon vs questing is more efficient in some cases.

  12. Untrue asf. x5 (probably) will, not the RDF itself. It's actually questionable what exact dungeon vs questing is more efficient in some cases.
    At endgame it will. Don't underestimate the amount of wrath babies that will sit in cities only doing RDF. I suppose good luck to them though, because if you look at the state of RDF on Icecrown they stand no chance on Vanilla. Less viable tanks, threat is suddenly a thing, actual CC and awareness required? Yeah right. But this is my point, those kinds of players will just keep re-queueing, leaving and eventually quit, rather than potentially learn the game appropriately. I'm worried about the longevity of the server, and by then good players will only run with guildies because RDF will be known as a cesspool waste of time.

  13. At endgame it will. Don't underestimate the amount of wrath babies that will sit in cities only doing RDF. I suppose good luck to them though, because if you look at the state of RDF on Icecrown they stand no chance on Vanilla. Less viable tanks, threat is suddenly a thing, actual CC and awareness required? Yeah right. But this is my point, those kinds of players will just keep re-queueing, leaving and eventually quit, rather than potentially learn the game appropriately. I'm worried about the longevity of the server, and by then good players will only run with guildies because RDF will be known as a cesspool waste of time.
    What is there to do in the end game? ubrs/strat/dm farm? How is gathering a group by yourself and running there on your two gonna be any different really? Is that run to those dungeons really that necessary? Also you'll have to farm ores/herbs and all that stuff by yourself. This realm is MOSTLY gonna consist of the wrath players and those wrath players who was waiting for Frostmourne IV aswell.

    and by then good players will only run with guildies
    Ofc they will, just like it was on FM3 most of the times. People had troubles even in heroic dungeons for some reason. RDF Halls of Lightning of phase 1 gives me ptsd to this day. But disabling RDF is not a solution in this case. Now you also will have to waste time walking there to see the same picture.

  14. I'm worried about the longevity of the server
    Nothing gonna happen to longlivety. TBC will come and everyone will move on. My bet is that Vanilla phase of this realm is gonna be a huge meme, but meme in a good meaning of word, or in bad meaning of word is up to you.

  15. I think a good system would be: 1,5x-2,5x for Classic, 3x for tbc and 5x for Wotlk. If we leave 5x for Lvl 60, thatll be 4 to 5 hours at most for max level, also economy will be ****ed. Please stretch the lvling a bit.

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