1. Edge of Madness Bosses in zul gurub

    I've been farming to get Fiery Retributer from Hazza'rah an extra boss that is summoned in a sub zone called the edge of madness in zul gurub. Issue is that this boss A. is in a weekly timer with 3 other bosses (total 4) and B. The potion used to summon him has a soul bound mat called heros blood so you need to bother someone with alchemy if you don't already have it.

    All that aside, one would think you'd be able to summon one of the 4 bosses, but last time I tried it the effects went off and didn't summon any of the bosses. I'm thinking it's bugged and now Fiery Retributer is going to be a t mog I can't collect. I've heard of other bosses that are summoned in a similar way being bugged but I'm wondering if it's a one time deal or if it's a permanent feature of the server.

  2. It should work and if it does not then you should report it as a bug. Stuff being bugged is not a feature of the server. Is it possible that you were saved when you tried? Raid timer for ZG is three days.

  3. I never summoned them before so even if I was saved that shouldn't matter. However if it is bugged how should I handle it? Should I save a video of it and send it as a ticket?

    Just tried it today and it worked, but last time it didn't. Will make sure to record when it doesn't.
    Edited: September 5, 2023

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