1. Im quite happy to see that many crybabies will not be joining the fun when the server goes live. The amount of entitled whining is ridiculous here.

    Dont like it ? Dont play it, simple as that. Im quote looking forward to it with all these improvements.

    Keep up the great work Warmane staff, there are many of us that are thrilled to see future Onyxia server.

  2. Anything thats not x1 breaks level progression, all the zones are designed with x1 in mind. With x5 experience you will be done with entire zones within minutes without having to complete even 1/10 of the quests available.
    Icecrown, Frostmourne, old servers that were merged... all had even higher experience rates, never was any issue for players.

    In vanilla leveling is half the experience
    For you perhaps, and no matter the highest rate available in Onyxia, you will be free to set your own multiplier to x1 and have this "half the experience."

    If you guys seem to dislike half the game so much, why not just have everyone start with level 60 characters?
    Because this isn't a slippery slope.

    How can you even call it "vanilla" when you will have RDF and duel-specs too? I really dont see the point of starting a "vanilla" server when you apparently hate vanilla.
    It isn't a Vanilla server, it's a progressive server that will start with Vanilla. But if you feel like that and simply not partaking yourself isn't enough and you "must" have everyone playing the same way as you "or riot," just like you're free to set your experience rate, you're free to not play at all as well. It's completely fine.

    We never meant or expected to create a server that would be for everyone, much less make everyone happy. All we can do is create a server with a recipe of success we have used for over a decade and offer it up for whoever wants to play in it the way it is. You have to decide yourself if you can come to terms with the things that aren't the way you wish they were or not.

  3. I will also note that almost every time I see a person or group propose a new Vanilla or TBC project/server...one of the biggest questions I see repeated is if they'll implement dual specs into their server, despite not existing at the time of that content in retail. This is the first time I've seen Dual Spec be announced, and people are unhappy that it'll be included. Maybe I've missed it, but I think this is a first in the history of pservers.

  4. I will also note that almost every time I see a person or group propose a new Vanilla or TBC project/server...one of the biggest questions I see repeated is if they'll implement dual specs into their server, despite not existing at the time of that content in retail. This is the first time I've seen Dual Spec be announced, and people are unhappy that it'll be included. Maybe I've missed it, but I think this is a first in the history of pservers.
    welp u cant please everyone, thats for sure.

  5. i very much like the 5x xp rate because i have leveled idk how many chars to 60+ through normal questing. i dont want to waste time on that. i wanna play onixya because i never got the chance to do things like zg, aq or other classic raids and grinding on official servers is a waste of life time and money. i dont need people telling me that leveling is half the experience of classic. decide that for yourself, but i dont enjoy that ****. warmane gives you the option to reduce your exp rate to 1x if you want a "true" vanilla feeling. but some people have lifes outside of wow and would appreciate it to enjoy endgame content without putting 4h+ every day into the game. if you can't deal with that, just **** off to official servers and be a elitist there.
    we play for fun and not to please your immersion

  6. Personally, I'm a new player that's never really had the chance to have the classic experience, or to learn WoW with many other players who also don't know what they're doing. Having the freedom to set our own xp rates gives my friends and I the opportunity to learn at our own pace, without disrupting other players' experience who are interested in end-game content. Thank you for your hard work, and I can't wait to see you all there!

  7. I WISH i could delete my post so, i give the admin premission to delete this post, it serves no purpose at all.

  8. It doesn't serve the purpose you wish it had had, but it has grown into a discussion involving multiple people and way beyond a thread you "own" and can ask to be deleted.

  9. x1 leveling will kill the potential player base. Warmane is fully aware of this. Just look at Icecrown pop vs Lordareon pop.

    More players = more revenue. Warmane will stick with x5, they are not stupid. Even if every player who wants x1 only decides not to play, they will still be better off financially.

    The logic is very simple - people who want x5 will straight up not play if its x1. But most people who ask for x1 will still play if its x5.

  10. The logic is very simple - people who want x5 will straight up not play if its x1. But most people who ask for x1 will still play if its x5.
    I almost fully agree. Right now, I'd say the odds are 90-95% that the rates will stay at 5x. That slim 5-10% is the OFF chance that they do 1x for realm firsts races, or something like 3x for the first phase of each expansion before bumping it to 5x for "catchup" and alts.

  11. Due to the excitement i had for this server i have probably missed the information about x5 exp rate.
    I can just give you advice to NOT make it x5 due to following reasons:
    1. Compared to lordareon wich is x1 we can still level up really fast even without any help from anyone or main characters, atleast up to 10 levels per day and that number lowers down as you level up ofcourse.
    2.If you can level up faster then lordareon there will be no vanilla experience besides the "original talents" wich is not enough to keep people playing.
    3.People will just make tons of alts because of the fast leveling and you probably want to keep them engaged and timewasting.

    I mean if you say Vanilla experience bring it back full on not just few parts of it, people asked for changes on some classes but on the forum moderatos said that will disturb the balance of the game etc... the x5 rate will distrurb everything there is left from that vanilla experience, as an old school player personaly im not interested anymore and i think alot of people share the same opinion.
    Look there is hard core players anyway, people will fly through the level even without x5 if you know what i mean so this is just too much to call it vanilla.
    nah man your not alone....i didnt know this is how it was going to be 5x also so i guess ill just stick to Classic WoW Servers sadly....too bad i was looking forward to This server being the saving grace but the 5x is stupid....2x i can maybe get on but 5x is way way way too much....just start everyone off at 60 if that is the case.....

    too bad.....

  12. nah man your not alone....i didnt know this is how it was going to be 5x also so i guess ill just stick to Classic WoW Servers sadly....too bad i was looking forward to This server being the saving grace but the 5x is stupid....2x i can maybe get on but 5x is way way way too much
    "x5 is stupid" argument maybe makes sense if the project were solely focus on vanilla. but that isnt the case tho, u also need to consider the other 2 expansions before concluding everything based on your preference alone.
    sure warmane havent hosted x1 vanilla realm yet(doesnt mean they wont create one in the future), but they have hosted tbc and wotlk ones. and both expansion have the same statistic conclusion that tells the higher rate realms are much more favorable, icecrown has more population than lordaeron, outland were much more populated than medivh.

    just start everyone off at 60 if that is the case.....
    people want to level fast and people dont want to experience leveling at all are two different things.

  13. Oh gosh , ye im also think that x5 its kinda high, better give ppl 60 from start) i think x1- max x3 is something that looks like leveling)

  14. Oh gosh , ye im also think that x5 its kinda high, better give ppl 60 from start) i think x1- max x3 is something that looks like leveling)
    5x is no where close to "instant 60"...hell, even 50x (that we have on the PTR so we can skip content faster while still testing, and won't be an option when the realm launches) isn't instant 60...it still takes an hour or two of work to get a character to 60. I'm sick and tired of crybabies calling 5x "instant 60". But I have a short way with lying bull****.

  15. X5 exp is kinda 1-2 days of leveling to 60 , and that was really funny to hear abou 1-2 hours of "work" from you .
    I said my opinion on it.
    And call people crybabies when they doing that , is def for high rates lovers ?
    "Oh no guys pls stop , guy who loves ding from killing every mib is sick and tyred of us" ?

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