1. In a general sense it is true, but x3 actually reduces travel time: increased xp rates make it that the quests in the zones are actually enough to level, meaning you will hop around multiple zones less or not at all.

    I would reckon x3 on vanilla should be same as x2 on wotlk. But even with x1 wotlk you have to hop between zones less since xp is usually enough to finish the zone with enough xp for a new zone. Now make that x2 which should put you in comfortable level or even 2 above next zone.
    Just to add, just checked vanilla xp required to level:
    to hit lvl 6 (meaning just exiting the starter zone) takes 7600 xp
    with x3 you get 22800 xp which should put you at the start of lvl 9 (which is 21100 xp)

    Now if you do most of the quests in standard fashion and don't skip a lot of quests, you will always be at least 2 levels above the next zone, meaning there will be no need to get extra xp from different zone of a similar level

  2. x3? Well, guess the vocal 50-people minority won against the default x5.
    I agree 100%. They had it set to 5x and some people said that they wanted lower so they changed it. What about the people who had no reason to say anything because it was already set to what they wanted it to be?

  3. Dual Spec and RDF still planned in for launch. Very nice.

  4. looks like you didnt play much during the beta, fastest guys on x5 got to 60 within 5.5 hours, so a 3x will be at most another 5 hours added to that.
    Vid or didnt happen

  5. hello i said nothing because i did not need too, but the rates were good. let us experience 5x rates please, it is okay if people can change their exp rates or lower them, but were all adults now dont have time to go through the whole leveling process, i want to get to endgame fast , clear raids, get the best gear and dont want to waste time doing the same leveling process i did 50x times.

  6. PVP realm... Not playing this. And I was wondering - how you going to screw this up? :D

  7. Vid or didnt happen
    I dont have to show you anything, you're so deadset in your own mind you won't believe anything anyone else say anyway!

  8. What update will the "original spells, talents and mechanics, gear stats and functions" be based on? There is a pretty big difference between launch day vanilla and patch 1.8.

  9. What update will the "original spells, talents and mechanics, gear stats and functions" be based on? There is a pretty big difference between launch day vanilla and patch 1.8.
    Last patch for each expansion era...so 1.12 for Vanilla, 2.4.3 for TBC, and 3.3.5 for Wrath. I can only recall hearing of a single server in the history of Pservers that have tried to follow each patch's mechanics as it progressed...and that server ended up flopping.

  10. I dont have to show you anything, you're so deadset in your own mind you won't believe anything anyone else say anyway!

    Yeh cause it makes no sense

  11. i agree with previous orators, return x5 rates back. Why did you listened these 10 people who want to spend all their time on 1x rates? just look how many ppl are playing on x7 and x1. Come on, we all grew up, almost everyone have jobs, families, we cant spend tons of time AGAIN just to level up which we did 12341234 times on previous realms / servers. Make a vote until Onyxia release: x1/x3/x5/x7 - whoever will win it -> this XP rate will be chosen, or again - JUST LOOK on online difference between x1 and x7 realms

  12. Can we get some clarification on the new pvp system? I saw an earlier post about decay rates not answered, also about the arena vs bg rewards. Is the rate of ranking increased at all so fit the tighter release dates between patches? Any info would be great! Thanks team this server is looking sick

  13. Forget all the people complaining that the xp is now x3 instead of x5. x3 is more than enough, 90% of you people complaining with your "jobs" and "families" will still hit 60 by the time MC is available anyway. Vanilla is supposed to be about leveling, end game was always an after thought. Go play on an instant-60 server if all you care about is end game.

  14. hello !
    Can you turn on realm a week before to create a character (reserve name) ? :D

  15. fresh start on nov 18th the current server is a beta test server

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