1. With these rates, there will be less lvl 60 for sure.

    Why dont they change it to have x3 only in phase 0. Then 5x, later 7x.

    leveling up a character with 1x rates takes about 8-10 days (of PLAYTIME /played). Who says else, never played vanilla or classic. So in our case about 3 days.

    So it will be fantastic with 2-3 hours of playtime each day to get to 60. ? We will be 60 by January?

  2. Will the horde have access to paladins?

  3. no

    the biggest question is that will ally paladins have access to seal of blood in tbc?

  4. So it will be fantastic with 2-3 hours of playtime each day to get to 60. ? We will be 60 by January?
    Let's be real, you can't seriously expect the leveling rate of the server to be tuned to cater to the people with the least time. There will always be people who can play a lot and that can't play very little. We have to look at the averages and how long the largest slice of the player base took/will take to level, and align it with the time frame we have for the content. If you can only play very little, you should naturally join with the expectation you will either have to make that time count or accept you will lag behind.

    Also, this not at you, but those saying we "listened to ten players," just stop. On one side, we didn't do it because a small group was asking for x3, it was to align the pace players were leveling in the beta with our expectations. And on the other side, the people complaining we aren't using x5 are even less than the ones who were asking for x3, so, by your own argument, we shouldn't listen to you.

  5. I believe that 25 man raids are really a no go for vanilla. It really does kill the experience of raids and guilds.
    It's what made it special.

    Also, the progression seems TOO fast. To round up a whole expansion less than year, thats tough.

    Please take these in consideration one more time.
    That’s literally how frostmourne is though. 1 year of wotlk then server is reset

  6. Ey yo hi all. So is there any info so far about the whole world buff thing? Will you disable it in raids? And since you've made it pvp maybe it will be a good idea to also disable RDF for the first phase? I mean, since you made a desicion, let people ingage in it. Enable it at BWL patch. What do you think?

  7. Let's be real, you can't seriously expect the leveling rate of the server to be tuned to cater to the people with the least time. There will always be people who can play a lot and that can't play very little. We have to look at the averages and how long the largest slice of the player base took/will take to level, and align it with the time frame we have for the content. If you can only play very little, you should naturally join with the expectation you will either have to make that time count or accept you will lag behind.

    Also, this not at you, but those saying we "listened to ten players," just stop. On one side, we didn't do it because a small group was asking for x3, it was to align the pace players were leveling in the beta with our expectations. And on the other side, the people complaining we aren't using x5 are even less than the ones who were asking for x3, so, by your own argument, we shouldn't listen to you.
    the 3x experience combined with vast amounts of quests that we got thanks to 1.12 state gave me a very enjoyable impression. good decision imo

    Are we to expect more updates before launch regarding more details about the server? There is still a lot of questions unanswered? maybe some QnA?

  8. Are we to expect more updates before launch regarding more details about the server? There is still a lot of questions unanswered? maybe some QnA?
    I wouldn't handle either another announcement nor any sort of Q&A, so I'm not the person to answer that.

  9. With these rates, there will be less lvl 60 for sure.

    Why dont they change it to have x3 only in phase 0. Then 5x, later 7x.

    leveling up a character with 1x rates takes about 8-10 days (of PLAYTIME /played). Who says else, never played vanilla or classic. So in our case about 3 days.

    So it will be fantastic with 2-3 hours of playtime each day to get to 60. ? We will be 60 by January?
    You have wrong calculations.
    If x1 is 9 days, than x3 is not 3 days.
    Why? Because you spend most of the time runing,selling,chatting,crafting,taking new fly paths, semi-afk.. bla bla
    x3 doesn't means you run x3 faster ye?
    And it's PvP server so.... if you are agressive person you will spend 30-40 min in a quest that is done in 5min. If you are calm person you can make it in 5-6 min.It's up to You. If you want to lvl fast focus on bag space, mount and don't start the fights.

  10. Look guys...this is why you can't convince them to make it x5
    95% of you said this: dont want to waste time doing the same leveling process.
    You want them to ruin the game for ppl that want to play, because you don't want to play.... just... dont play and shhh

  11. What´s the point on having a x3 with the chance to lower it?

    Do we get an achievement, mount or any other compensation out of it?

  12. What´s the point on having a x3 with the chance to lower it?

    Do we get an achievement, mount or any other compensation out of it?
    The option exists for the people who want to experience the content at the original pace.
    Clearly not for you, if what comes to your mind is "compensation."

  13. Ohh god, where should I start. Humanity nowdays. Nothing is good either way for you people. There will be vocal people to complain regardless of the final config of the server. I say it's good as it is. give it a go and I am sure if there will be major important things that worth changing, they will change it (like progression speed or idk).
    "vanilla" experience is horrible and most of you asking for that have no idea what that was back in the day.
    It based on wotlk client boys. x3 it's going to be just fine. I like the RDF idea and I believe it gives the opportunity to avoid crouds of pps on same quests or toxic opposite faction *****s. same goes with no debuff limit as it opens up the posibility to have decent participation from other classes in raids two ("vanilla" experience means playing mostly 4-5 classes/specs only, which is ******ed). also good idea to have 25 man raids and not 40, as this will help both guilds and casual pugs.
    Anyhow, considering all the above, STOP asking for vanilla experience as from the start this is NOT a reproduction of vanilla. it's a "moded" version of it and tbh I am glad for it.
    So, see you ingame.

    Future retribution paladin (cuz games are supposed to be fun!)

  14. 3x with RDF in vanilla is easily like 5x or more with no RDF. Got plently of EXP filler from RDF without the need to go in multiple zones and just cruise in each lvl bracket from one zone. By the end on Phase 0 the amount of people who will be lvl cap with attunement done and almost full pre bis ready will be massive. Yes it isn't so alt friendly, but no server is alt friendly at launch.

    Will they increase rates in later phases, yeah maybe, sounds like a good idea.

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