1. efficiency of prot warriors

    If you look at the top 2 teams at the end of the season, you will never see a pro warrior there. Even if you become the most skilled pro warrior, you can't take a rating higher than 2500. Even enkh shamans play at 2800-3k. Even before the shield damage reduction, the prot wars were not in the top... and even more so after that. In this regard, I ask you to raise the damage from a shield strike by 20%, this will help to take a +200 rating at the end of the season. And it will not affect the balance in any way. The warmane server has its own cool balance in PVP, but the prot wars don't fit in there a bit and are not the most desirable partners. Therefore, I ask the administration to pay attention to the prot warriors and help them play on the top rating.

  2. Prot isn't viable because their damage relies upon being mostly PVE geared which means you die in one poly/sap as you're an easy burst target. It's entirely dependent on luck in the first few minutes and if that doesn't work you're dead

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