1. pvp system change?

    Dear administration!
    Do you have any plans to change the pvp system? Exchange kills for honor
    The whole meaning of bg is lost
    No one plays Warsong and Arati at all , because everyone only plays alterac to get the maximum number of kills and that’s all!

  2. I wouldn't really hope for a change. This server lives simply because there is no alternative. That circus that was made here in pvp is just a joke

  3. Dear Gms
    Can you tell me if you will solve this problem?

  4. "pvp" system is literally killing the server, everyone is just afking in av, once people get their pvp gear, they dont do raids professions or anything else and probably wont donate or buy anything literally most dog **** server ive ever played on then of course there are countless other gamebreaking bugs that make the game pointless to play this is literally the worst version of wow ive ever played should have just stuck to launching another frostmourne

  5. I could be wrong; I'm not an administrator or a GM here or anything. But, unless they do it sooner, Marks of Honor originally began being distributed with patch v1.8.0, which also added Dragons of Nightmare: https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Patch_1.8.0

    This would coincide with the February 24th release of Phase 3 on Onyxia: https://forum.warmane.com/showthread.php?t=461207

    All of this being said, it is true that a little more transparency would be nice. The game went through alot of changes throughout Vanilla, for example, we technically shouldn't have had Battlegrounds period until Phase 1. It's pretty obvious why they went ahead and included them, but there's really no telling how any of this will for sure go without any official announcement from the staff (which, to be fair, may exist and I've just yet to see it?)

    Personally I'm all for the content release phases, but Onyxia makes it a bit hectic to keep up with, because of how much stuff is still clearly left in from TBC and Wrath. I wouldn't mind knowing how it was decided whats "QoL" in alot of cases. But, I'm rambling. Just thought I'd echo what I've said before in an attempt to give you guys some hope.

  6. I fully support it.
    My friend and I have lost the meaning of playing on this server and want to get gm’s answer regarding this situation

  7. Guys, do you realize its VANILLA? It is supposed to be hard, not easy, it's not WOTLK x7...

  8. Guys, do you realize its VANILLA? It is supposed to be hard, not easy, it's not WOTLK x7...
    this comment makes absolutely no sense

  9. We need rework pvp system!!! people leave our server ! Becouse pvp die

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