1. This is why people hate PvP servers

    Unfortunately, so far Onyxia has turned out to be the worst kind of PvP server. This isn't a server for people that enjoy PvP and are passionate about engaging in it. So far, my experience up to level 43 has without exception proven that the people that "enjoy PvP" on Onyxia, don't really enjoy PvP at all. What they enjoy is killing lowbies that never stand the chance of offering a fair fight. 100% of my deaths by PvP so far have been by players significantly higher level. So much so that I only see ?? or Skull icons for their level.

    Honestly, I've been an avid PvP player in the past, and can confirm that there is no challenge, fun or honor in killing a player significantly lower level than yourself. Now, when it's an even fight... maybe even one that develops into a rivalry as you keep encountering the same adversary zone after zone as you level.... that's fun. If you organize PvP events with other guilds, that's fun. If you participate in rated battleground teams, that's fun. Open world PvP events, both those with an in-game mechanic, and those just organized by players can be some of the most engaging and enjoyable facets of the game....

    but just realizing that every time you cross paths with an opposing faction member that can one shot you that it's almost certain to happen, even though you stand zero chance of defending yourself, offering the challenge of a fair fight, even if you're just fishing and minding your own business... that's gonna be a corpse run because rather than seeking an actual competitive challenge in a PvP contest of skill, some loser has to live out their power fantasy griefing players they can kill in one hit, or kill without any concern that resistance is even possible. It proves nothing of your skill, it doesn't offer you honor, it's not even good roleplay...

    you're just ruining another player's gaming experience while simultaneously looking like a coward that won't find a fair fight, probably because actual PvP might result in a lot less kills for you, and a lot more corpse runs. Killing players 10 or more levels below your character's level is for losers. I just can't see it any other way. When this type of gameplay becomes the standard, the institution of a server... now you've infected the server's community and culture with a practice promoting an environment that most players simply do not enjoy, and want no part in. You're ruining the server with this type of behavior... but griefers gonna grief, and carebears gonna care. That's just my feelings on the issue (killed for the third time this game session while fishing out of Wailing Caverns

  2. im sorry if u cant stand pvp realm where unfair open world pvp encounters happen and expected.
    but u missunderstand gankers by miles. they dont even care about fairness, honor, or good roleplay u mentioned. however, do u know what u and those gankers have in common? both of y'all are killable. remember their names, when u're stronger, gank them back. or u can gather your muscular friends spank those gankers to kill em sooner.

  3. I don't like this kind of behaviour either, so that is why you never see me killing lowbies.
    But it has always been a proplem in PvP servers, but also a way for some to lure out the max level mains or friends so you get some real qction.

    I'm gonna soon focus on wPvP and one of my favorite hobbies is to hunt down those max lvl gankers :P Most Rogues will run away and hide tho, so can't really help with them.

    Have my own blaclist too when i was still leveling and got ganked by faster levelers 10+ levels over me. Have been able to check some names off already :D

  4. I don't like this kind of behaviour either, so that is why you never see me killing lowbies.
    But it has always been a proplem in PvP servers, but also a way for some to lure out the max level mains or friends so you get some real qction.

    I'm gonna soon focus on wPvP and one of my favorite hobbies is to hunt down those max lvl gankers :P Most Rogues will run away and hide tho, so can't really help with them.

    Have my own blaclist too when i was still leveling and got ganked by faster levelers 10+ levels over me. Have been able to check some names off already :D
    Good luck on wPvP when the world is empty cause of RDF.

  5. Good luck on wPvP when the world is empty cause of RDF.
    have you ever been out in the world? it is not empty at all.

  6. Good luck on wPvP when the world is empty cause of RDF.
    There is life, like those gankers we were talking about. Ore and herb farmers, rep farmers, alt boosters etc. Soon more world bosses will be released too. Fun is just about to start :P

  7. The reason high level players gank low level players is to make them upset. Intentionally going out of your way to make someone upset is one of psychopath traits.

  8. you know, you're right. i will start a list. maybe to kill them, but maybe just to ridicule them later, because it really is just to grief people and that is a sad trait for a person to carry. a mark of poor character. i do really enjoy pvp and used to main warlock. now, it's a new challenge altogether because i started playing healer.... but add that in... low level, healer, fishing pole equipped, camped and killed by the same player 4 times before i just rezzed and hearthed to find something else to do. i'm even tolerant of killing a lowbie that crosses your path, so long as it is one time and be on your way, and also as long as actual pvp between equal power peers occurs. maybe killing targets that don't yield honor should be penalized in some way, idk. it'd be nice if players just had the courtesy to conduct themselves more politely though. when i was playing retail classic recently i found an amazing pvp server that was very active but only met one griefer there ever. everybody else just got it, and the faction balance was perfect. people just helped each other out and were very social too. probably the best server community i ever found, but i don't want to play retail lol.

    at least i don't see bots tolerated here and our economy is very healthy, with a lot of active players. just a shame i have to walk wide circles around certain zones until i get to where i can offer a fight to my opponent. i'll live, but people really should consider the community they're creating through their gameplay. it really does have a big impact on the total experience.

  9. everyone play the game however they like, i myself mostly enjoy my time playing solo, but when those peksy gankers getting annoying, i've always been having friends to spank and corpse camp them back, we even collect salty screenshots of them crying about us cant 1v1 them where they cant even bring a fair approach in the first place and we're just returning the favor. so yeah, maybe try socializing bond with ppl? i always believe that the friends we made in game also play huge part of the experience itself. and btw, gankers are like 1 out of thousands and moslty play solo too, so if u're currently incapable to give em some fight alone, then let them taste the power of friendship, lol.
    u're a healer people/guilds gotta love u anyway, with new waves of r14 people coming everyday i bet those people are eager to help if u ask in global, since they need some kinda relief after hours being degens in av, lol

  10. you will get some pvp once AQ40 events start. there wont be any other open world pvp because the server started with battlegrounds released.

  11. Some of stuff just sound good only on paper and in reality they get ruined by trash people, and PVP is one of these things.

    Simply because of trash people. And gankers are trash people, no matter how much mental gymnastics all gankers and ganker apoligists makes.

    There is a simple facts, ganker ganking low lvl players simply wastes their time, thats it, Ganker gains nothing, he simply just finds amusement in wasting other people's time by forcing them to run to their corpses and these lov lvl players HAVE NO WAY TO PREVENT GANKER FROM KILLING THEM because mechanics are simple, low lvl player not only deals almost no damage to ganker but also low lvl player will miss every stun cc or anything will allow ganked person even have chance to at least disengage from ganker. Not to mention gankers also have faster mounts. So yeah, if you are low lvl and high level player attacks you, you lose time running to corpse jimbo.

    Now lets talk about that people usually have other stuff to do than wow, job, school, maybe dating etc. THat means they have limited time to play wow. And when low lvl player gets ganked, he loses that limited precious wow time, especially if ganker decides to corpse gank. Thats the main reason why gankers are trash players.

    And PVP realm doesent make gankers less trash, they are the most trash players in any wow community.

  12. welp, neither pve or pvp realm is for everyone afterall.

  13. welp, neither pve or pvp realm is for everyone afterall.
    Wrong, pVE realm is for everyone, you can choose whether or not to take part in wpvp by simply toggling yourself on for it and find likeminded people who have done the same.
    On a pvp realm that is not possible as it puts those who just wants to pve in a situation where we cant toggle it off or on.

  14. Wrong, pVE realm is for everyone.
    It isn't. Clearly there are plenty of people who like the PvP model, even with the ganking. As much as Blizzard has been a major **** up company that made it big with a mixture of copying other games and being lucky with timing, "Warmode" is the ideal, since it hosts both kinds of people and they can just switch between PvE or full open PvP within the same server.

  15. Wrong, pVE realm is for everyone, you can choose whether or not to take part in wpvp by simply toggling yourself on for it and find likeminded people who have done the same.
    On a pvp realm that is not possible as it puts those who just wants to pve in a situation where we cant toggle it off or on.
    incorrect. an example: when you go to a popular farming location on a pvp server, it is very likely you'll have some pvp encounters which may influence your decision where to farm. on a pve server you just turn off pvp and can go wherever you want without having to compete over the farming location (only over the mobs you farm).

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