1. Battle Royale - PvP event guide

    Greetings everyone!

    Since not everyone might be familiar with the Battle Royale concept we present this small introduction.

    When joining this event you will be placed into Alterac valley along with 59 other players.

    You will be put into teams of 3 and your objective is to remain the last team standing.

    When joining all your previous equipment loses their benefits, everyone is on equal footing.

    When the game starts, an airplane will fly from top to bottom of AV and the party leader of your newly formed group will have the control over where on the map you will drop.

    After exiting the plane you will fall down with a parachute and one spell on your bar. That spell can be used to leap towards a specific direction. Try to follow your party leader's directions!

    Around the map you will find chests that contain gear, weapons and utility items.

    If someone dies, they leave behind their loot and cannot be brought back by normal means.

    However there are a handful objects spawned around the map called "fountain of life", which can be used to revive your party. The fountain is a one-time use and disappears afterwards.

    Shortly after dropping down, a violent storm will advance either from the northern or the southern part of the map.
    The storm will deal increasingly more damage and expand in size as the game goes on.
    Try to avoid it unless absolutely necessary!

    Some additional notes:

    • stealth use is limited to prevent people from just waiting it out. (Players can only remain stealthed 30 seconds at a time)
    • fall damage is disabled

    You are welcome to use this thread to post feedback. Hope you have fun playing it!

  2. I do not understand why we cant join as premade,its so bad

  3. Yeah please make it to be able to queue up as a premade!

  4. Please don't ruin the event by allowing people to do premades. Some information on the pve event would be nice, though. We don't even know if it's live yet, since nobody has figure out anything about it.

  5. people do premades and then hunt solo players, just got killed by 3 small groups and then they just split up without fighting each other

  6. how long is it gonna stay in game?

  7. Any reason why I cant use potions? It says I have no "proficiency".
    Also looks like some people uses bugs. Like i saw party looting boxes before airplane even started flying. Also saw someone using free action potion.

  8. The potion issue is being investigated.

  9. If you enable premade, it will ruin the event

  10. I just wanna say how disappointed i am that you guys decided to give one of the rarest mounts i tirelessly farmed for over a year and countless of runs just like that, it lost its value ... i dont say that the mount is not beautiful it is but still the value is gone and its so sad.

  11. I just wanna say how disappointed i am that you guys decided to give one of the rarest mounts i tirelessly farmed for over a year and countless of runs just like that, it lost its value ... i dont say that the mount is not beautiful it is but still the value is gone and its so sad.
    this is just disgusting, that they give a Raven.
    Disgusting move from u warmane. Why they dont give a mount that u cant get from the playing game?
    Next freaking event give a INVICIBLE FOR EVERYONE.

  12. So I just posted a suggestion to make a change on shamans in a different thread and was immediately shot down by a moderator stating that they do not do custom content. Isn't this new pvp mode considered custom content? Doesnt make sense to me.

  13. IMO this event should stay year long, of course with a different reward system :)

  14. Hide and afk on tower when game start is okey or has ban?
    i saw someone doing this

  15. Thumbs up for the event, I really like it.

    One side not: Everyone starts off with the [Barely usable Claymore], yet as protection warrior it is fully up to RNG to find a shield and start fighting. If you do not find a shield you cannot contest the early fights for a lootbox. Let us start with one hander and shield based on spec, that should be doable.

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