1. May 2, 2023  

  2. how do u use them do i have to win rar?

  3. Thank you so much, sometimes got consused with WOW Classic WLK and Wow 335a

  4. I just downloaded and placed everything into the addons folder, everything is broken now, i think i should put the necessary ones, one by one.

  5. Yeah, placing all of them in and enabling them all is not very recommended, I did so myself and not only is Lightheaded and SLDataText spitting error windows (I have them disabled in options btw) constantly, but I have numerous problems, like two action bar UIs and with only one enabled, I end up with my game menu/achievements/social/etc. buttons in the middle of the screen, or hidden beneath Atlas.

    I think for an Addon pack it should contain addons specifically so it's plug and play but also not requiring massive management upon loading them in.

  6. Hello guys anyone know why my Deadlyboss mode somtimes bugged and dont worked and when i do relog its fixed !

    My Job Website >> https://www.sirangostar.ir/

  7. There is a version of Questie for the 3.3.5 client, it seems recent.

  8. How do you change it? Sorry im not very tech savy lol

  9. same here, even with outdated addons enable

    Edit : i found solution, you have to place addons one by one , there is a folder in each archive, i try to explain with an example ( sorry im french ^^ )

    !swatters works because path is :
    Wrath of the Lich King 3.3.5aInterfaceAddOns!swatter

    bagnon dosnt works because path is :
    Wrath of the Lich King 3.3.5aInterfaceAddOnsBagnon_2.13.3Bagnon
    it should be
    Wrath of the Lich King 3.3.5aInterfaceAddOnsBagnon
    How to change this? Sorry im not very tech savy lol

  10. I need the most simple raid frames addon possible. I have always used the Blizzard raid frames and never liked any raid frame addon. What would be best?

  11. 2 Weeks Ago  

  12. 2 Days Ago  
    Recount keeps crashing. Tired to install another version for the game version, but doesn't work at all.. bummer. just fyi!

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