1. What should had been done is dynamic spawns, always a set amount of herbs present at any given time, be it lotus's dreamfoils, plagueblooms or any other herb while at the same time lotus to have a possibility to spawn (not guaranted) in any of these spawns instead.

  2. +1. The fixed spawns became a sniper fiesta. Last night around 04:00 ST I took a flightpath to Winterspring, my tracker found a Black Lotus spawn on the way there. Mind you the zone was completely dead, only 2 other players in it. As soon as it spawned, the zone got filled up with 10+ characters that rushed towards it and then dissapeared as soon as the black lotus was taken. This means some people are aware of these fixed spawn points and timers and making competition for black lotus practicallly impossible. (not to mention the possible botting associated with it)

  3. Agreed, this needs Attention asap. It has gotten out of Hand and People ofc abusing it to the absolute Maximum, here we have Big time botters with like 10+ characters waiting in stealth on every Lotus Spawn there is.

    Also to the People who suggest to farm Gold otherwise and then just Buy the Flasks/Lotus, thanks for the input Jacka$$ but how about we fixing the actual Problem instead of some half a$$ed Band-Aid.

  4. Is there a better way than complaining on this forum to get attention on this?

  5. I agree, we can't really get rid of the bots, because people will just make other toons (with leveling bots most likely) and do the same thing all over again. You could ask: why do this if it gets you banned eventually? Gold -> Coins/Money

    Currently, from what I've seen, there is a dynamic spawn location, right? Out of 10 possible spawn locations from winterspring let's say, it spawns in 1 of them every 30 minutes or so, right?

    I agree with the people that said to implement a shared spawn location with different high level herbs

  6. I definitely think it should be fixed in someway, everyone I talk to about it says pretty the same thing which is that they're impossible to farm if you're human. Idk if the bots are a problem or what but it's a problem for sure.

  7. +1, it's becoming a pain to fight with the bots over them

  8. +++ implement a shared spawn location with different high level herbs

  9. 1) stop saying bots take them all, it's 200% false
    2) Black lotus is a special itelm in vanilla, and part of the experience. giving lotus when you farm other herbs would kill this experience (after destroying pvp experience, ans the list is long...). Lotus shoudl stay a special item : rare, so expensive
    3) be happy that, even if Warmane say they used old vanilla as a ressource, for Lotus, they took Classic as a database for both locations and respawn timer. It was around 1h in original vanilla and it's really faster on Warmane, like it was in Classic

  10. 1) stop saying bots take them all, it's 200% false
    2) Black lotus is a special itelm in vanilla, and part of the experience. giving lotus when you farm other herbs would kill this experience (after destroying pvp experience, ans the list is long...). Lotus shoudl stay a special item : rare, so expensive
    3) be happy that, even if Warmane say they used old vanilla as a ressource, for Lotus, they took Classic as a database for both locations and respawn timer. It was around 1h in original vanilla and it's really faster on Warmane, like it was in Classic
    you didnt get the point about "shared spawns" it will still keep them rare, just not in the same static spots allowing bots to take hem all.

  11. I can tell you there are close to ZERO bots taking lotus...

  12. The Problem is the majority of the playerbase don't know how to farm Black lotus efficiently (wink wink Eagle eye).

    Ttheir ignorance come to the conclusion "I cant find any Black lotus when I search for xx hours, so it must be bots picking them all".

    The real problems are multiboxxing and the fixed lotus spawn timers which have been 1hr and after a hotfix 45mins.

    The real tryhards have a character on each/some black lotus spawns with 300/300 Herb (druid/rogue) and because of no real Wpvp they get most spawns + Eagle eye scout.

  13. I personally witnessed bot taking black lotus 3 times. A Rogue literally logs in same second BL spawned, and logs out after takin it (Im human and used perception. so 100% logout). Twice they beat me to it, once bot logged in too late and I got BL. So yeah there are bots, and if u pay attention to in-game chat, everyday couple of them are banned.

  14. "Bot logged in too late". You are part of the ignorant majority.

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