1. What classes are in high demand?

    Henlo, I'm about to start playing on lordareon again. I played a fair amount of time on Icecrown and seasonal realms, 1 and a half year on lordareon. Have experience with all classes/specs, but don't find playing tanks fun. So, as the title says, what would be a classes/specs that are in a high demand atm (beside tanks, obv) ?

  2. Not entirely familiar with Lordaeron's situation, but I'd imagine it's the same as anywhere else. Also the "high demand" may change a bit if you're focusing on PUG/Guild raiding. PUG's are more free, guilds tend to go for more meta.

    1. Healers > 2. RDPS > 3. MDPS.

    1. Resto Shamans, Discipline Priests, Holy Paladins > Restoration Druids.
    2. Demonology Warlocks, Balance Druids, Shadow Priests > Mages/Hunters > Elemental Shaman (shouldn't probably even mention Shaman).
    3. Feral Druids* > DK's / Paladins / Rogues / Warriors > Enhancement Shamans (shouldn't probably even mention Shaman).
    *Feral Druids have low supply, and probably bit low demand as well, but from all the melee DPS', it's the least frequently played. Rest of the melees it's high supply high demand. You won't stand out of the masses unless you're actually showing the effort.

    No matter what class/spec you make, you all of a sudden start seeing that spec being played more.

  3. Hunter, from standard 8hc guilds to lod guilds, non *****ic hunters are super rare, if you manage to log in on time and play mechanics even with green-blue logs people will be fine, if you can do that and also deal good dps, Holy moly will raidleads love you.

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