1. Coin gifting for yourselve

    I heard that there is some kind of restriction on coin gifts.
    So far I have not encountered it, but now I bought everything I wanted for my main accounts and decided that I wanted to try to get better gear for my multibox slaves (their accounts are NOT donated), by farming and selling gold to the warmain trade and gifting coins to multibox slave accounts.

    This is an easier path for me, because I can't get into raids relatively rarely, and with a limited number of the best geared characters. PvE horde players are very aggressive towards multiboxers due to the imbalance in PvP, even towards their own multiboxers and are completely unwilling to provide any assistance so I have given up all hope of gearing my slaves in raids.

    Should I try to do this or is it better to spend this gold inside the game on buying boosting services? Someone has been constantly yells about ICC boost for gold in the last few months but the price is too high for even non-BiS items
    Edited: April 3, 2024

  2. Depends on the price for boost, 150k gold for LOD run, one spec items + marks is a good deal since 150k gold on trade section is 60 coins and 60 coins will get you 2 bis items, but if you are lucky with boost you can get way more than 2 bis items

  3. Coin gifting is limited in sender account. If you can't gift it to your other account open a ticket here and there is a chance they will let it trough manually. As I understood the idea of this limit was punching rmt, scams and such in the guts, not to limit genuine gifts or moving coins in your own accounts.

  4. Someone in the comments about gifts replied that they could only do this once. I mean, create ticket for this.
    Edited: April 3, 2024

  5. Last I remember from players commenting, that about sending an email to get an extension wasn't being offered anymore. My guess if that happened is too many people tried to exploit it with excuses like "it's a guild thing" and the decision was made to stop. You could still ask, but don't be surprised to receive a no and be informed that you can't send further Gifts with the current amount of donations in your account.

  6. okay, i understood about "it's a guild thing"

    But what about "its MY thing"? Why i can't use MY coins? Sounds disappointing.
    You don't know anything about allowing sending between your own accounts?

  7. man, its easy easy to reply "its the ACCOUNT"S coins" not YOUR coins since coins are bound to account more than to you (in the same way its not because its YOUR account that all your account got same statut, you probably know Obnoxious have atleast as good reply as that ;)

  8. Because people were abusing Gifting to sell Coins for real money or to use Coins as payment between players, and that wasn't what the feature was created for. It became worse with people being able to trade Coins for gold among themselves with Trade.

    The amount you can Gift is a multiple of however many Coins you got from donations, so you would always be able to Gift away all the Coins you got from that and more, but Coins you get by Trading with gold will not increase that limit obviously, as you never donated for them.

  9. Hey Obnoxious, I have a question.

    If for example I reach the limit allowed of gifting coins; if I donate more coins the limit will cease so you are able to gift more or will it remain no matter what? Thanks.

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