1. Icecrown Characters Missing

    Im missing 2 of my characters on icecrown

  2. Can you provide more info?

    When did you play last time with those characters?
    Did you just check on website or you have logged with a wow client?
    Did you try to look for them on Armory? http://armory.warmane.com/

  3. Im missing 2 of my characters on icecrown
    If it's been long time since you last logged, check your https://www.warmane.com/account/history for anything suspicious. Since you have two characters "lost" I suggest you to check the TRADING tab of account history.

  4. @GunSlingerEA I've lost two alts and my main character got restored back to from few months ago, and they've told me that It's my account so my responsibility, even when it's clearly not my fault.. So good luck with receiving a help from them

  5. @Mattek922 because it IS your responsibility. You have all tools to sequre it. Blaming dev team for accounts being hacked is one of most childish moves possible. They will help you when it is possible, but here is IRL comparison - noone gonna compensate you, when you leave house with only mosquito net as door.

  6. Oh really then tell me how could someone hack my account and for example reduce my honorable kills? Unless someone did it from dev team so, I got reason to speak up and say when it's not my fault, mate. If they would like to help me, I am sure they would, but clearly they don't want.

  7. Oh really then tell me how could someone hack my account and for example reduce my honorable kills? Unless someone did it from dev team so, I got reason to speak up and say when it's not my fault, mate. If they would like to help me, I am sure they would, but clearly they don't want.
    Account security and what happens with it is your responsibility. Warmane isn't going after your silly characters. You just want an scapegoat instead of acknowledging your own fault. People rarely get hacked, people usually get phished. You either have weak/common/easy to guess/re-used account credentials, and you probably lack simple 2FA as well. Or you trusted wrong "friend" at some point with your account.

  8. mate, I got no problem with saying when it's my fault or when it isn't. But like i said, if someone would hack my account, do you think they would be able to reduce my honorable kills and revert my character to old one backup? I don't think so. I am not here to blame the staff, cause if someone would hack my account i wouldn't even bother myself to wrtie about it, because it would be clearly my fault due the weak password. It just happened that one day i logged in and my character become an old copy of it.

  9. There are no "revert" waves on server, neither do they utilise backups for anything other than restoration after server malfunction.
    Just tell me, what's the point in reversing character progress of single person? If character was restored > character was deleted > character was not played for quite long amount of time. Or it was deleted right after you've stopped playing here and thus you just want to get some things for free.
    I'm not saying it is 100% so, but there is zero logical explanations of what happened according to your words.
    I'm playing here for almost 3 years, had break for 9 monthes and NOTHING happened to any of my characters, their currency and resources.
    It would be realy nice to valid your claims with proofs instead of "just words"

  10. Mate, I am here since 2018 and never had any issues as well. And It's not like the account was not being used for many months, cause i am online each day. I wish i could have any explanation, but it was just like that, before it all happened i just logged out at night and everything was fine, on next day I logged in and everything was messed up, thought my account got hacked, but my two speces were different one, the old one i used to play, and my honorable has been reduced, so i didn't think it could be any hack, unless there are hack which are being able to change these stuff. I cannot explain it, i wish i could know what happened, but the only thing coming out to my mind is that my character got restored back to old version of it. I am not looking for any free gifts or asking for gold cause i can simply get it back by marketplace.

  11. theres no reset most can happen somtimes is server crash n u lose what u got since last save n thats not months lol
    either u remember wrong or lying

  12. my 2 characters is missing even it shows in ice crown server that I have 2 characters

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