1. Restoring items from official server


    I am very pleased to join this very pleasant private server, I've already started reroll a couple of characters and have good fun.

    However, I wonder if there's not the possibility to request the transfer of items obtained on the official server to the characters I created on Warmane?

    I do not ask for the recovery of an entire character, I understand that rerolling properly is part of the game. However, I would be so glad to make use of the legacy items I obtained previously on WoW Official (when I used to play Wotlk and Cata) and so prove such with the use of screenshots.

    I hope there can be an arrangement!

    Thanks a lot,

  2. No. Warmane doesn't do any kind of item/character transfers from other servers to Warmane, or vice versa.

    You start from scratch and build from there.

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