1. RDF has bugged out

    I don't know if it has happened to anyone, but if ppl are getting this... like we need any less incentive for RDF goers.

    So we're doing a 5 man maraudon, healer dc'd after having down a boss. We proceeded to requeue to find replacement. Obviously we tryed to replace by our own means and as we finally found someone willing thanks to raw "Who" usage the invite kept saying: " is not in the same instance" in yellow system text.
    We tryed: rejoins, changing leaders, so the invite came from another player, relogs etc

    And the most stressful attempt! The player joined RDF as a healer for the same isntance, we also queued for the same instance - without EVER BEING ABLE TO JOIN TOGETHER?

    Is this bug happening in normal queues, like we needed any more problems with RDF scarcity....

  2. You can't invite anyone once RDF started.
    There are various bugs with instance IDs, and I guess this is part of the issue, but lazy to test and document everything for bugtracker.

  3. RDF bugs out all the time. happened to me many many times. but as we all know problems dont get fixed in warmane they just go from one place to another.

  4. RDF bugs out all the time. happened to me many many times. but as we all know problems dont get fixed in warmane they just go from one place to another.
    They are fixed if they are reported through proper channels, which is bugtracker, and if things aren't actually working as intended. Before going to make a random report, make sure it's meant to work the way you expect it to work. Sometimes people think something is broken after it's actually fixed.

  5. No please, like in several other situations/instances this has been done correctly, like i've had situations where a person leaves/kicked/dc'd, then after an insuferable amount of time no random joins and we save the run through an invite. Just in that situation that yellow error was showing.
    Maybe i'm not explaining myself ok, since all 4 people involved were troubled since to us all seemed quite a simple "operation" to do.

    I'm not very techie, i'll look into that bugtracker and see if i can provide correct feedback then.

  6. They are fixed if they are reported through proper channels, which is bugtracker, and if things aren't actually working as intended. Before going to make a random report, make sure it's meant to work the way you expect it to work. Sometimes people think something is broken after it's actually fixed.
    It's not as simple fix as you may think. They will ask for details, even tho they are fully aware of what the issue is.
    Just to illustrate "they are aware but not fixing": https://www.warmane.com/bugtracker/report/109082

    You'd have to test *a lot* usecases to make such bug report.
    How does person gets ID when tries to enter while:
    - current raid leader in instance but offline
    - current raid leader dead (died in instance, but released and out of instance)
    - current raid leader not in instance and online, but raid assist is in
    - member that entered instance first is now offline
    - raid leader changed while original raid leader was offline (and in instance)
    -- raid leader changed while original raid leader was offline (and out of instance)
    - raid leader changed while original raid leader was dead
    - raid leader changed while current leader was in other instance (example: DMT summoner passed lead to GM)
    - raid leader changed while current leader was in other MAP ID(example: BB summoner passed lead to GM)
    - all of above + first boss killed (so whole raid gets an actual ID) + more examples of dead/alive + in/out of instance

    This is all just for raids.


    Edited: April 14, 2024

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