1. Concern about War Effort

    I feel like whole concept of war effort is intended for majority of server to contribute and complete it.
    Now if your plan is to release new patch, no matter if war effort is done or not, you put quite unrealistic task for players who are on Scepter quest.
    Having ultimatum to receive rewards only if war effort is complete, you need to have in mind only handful of people are going to be doing event which was made for hundreds and thousands of players.
    Getting couple of gold and some reputation for turn ins is not enough to make players on this server be part of war effort.
    Just a quick showcase in math regarding this situation:
    -lets say 10 people farm every day 2k Wool Cloth ( 1k is even a lot per day)
    -20k a day means 12 and half days to complete Wool Cloth (250k)
    So that is only 1 material for 12.5 days.
    Required materials need to go down in quantity just based of how many players are doing it.

  2. Why would the majority of the server's players contribute to the effort? It's just going to be tuned to the point that it's a brick wall for the majority of them anyways. And right when they start getting to the point they can make progress, it'll be buffed with "fixes" so it's another brick wall.

  3. Its war effort, for a reason. If people don't participate in gathering materials then it means they don't deserve to have AQ released

  4. Why would the majority of the server's players contribute to the effort? It's just going to be tuned to the point that it's a brick wall for the majority of them anyways. And right when they start getting to the point they can make progress, it'll be buffed with "fixes" so it's another brick wall.
    It's crazy how the majority of the guilds on the server can complete the raids first week or 2, but there's always that one guild who cries bc it's not easy enough for a casual guild. Instead of blaming the server, try looking inward to your players and your actual skill lvl. Raids are 100% doable even with these "bugs". Be better and stop blaming the server. If you know how to tune it better, then by all means, speak up. If not, then keep progressing previous raids.

  5. Let's face it AQ is a private server killer. Most Vanilla servers die/stop at AQ release. It would be better if we skipped it altogether and opened Naxx instead.

  6. Let's face it AQ is a private server killer. Most Vanilla servers die/stop at AQ release. It would be better if we skipped it altogether and opened Naxx instead.
    Last time i played vanilla was back in 2005, so i don't really remember how hard Naxx was gearwise. So is Naxx even doable with just BWL/T2 gear if it doesn't get nerfed?

  7. AQ is going to be released eaither way so players have no incentive to gather resources.

  8. Last time i played vanilla was back in 2005, so i don't really remember how hard Naxx was gearwise. So is Naxx even doable with just BWL/T2 gear if it doesn't get nerfed?
    I haven't played vanilla at all. I do however watch a lot of vanilla videos and for example rogue dps in BWL is on average 700-800 with world buffs. In Naxx t3 world buffed rogue dps is on average 800-900. 100 dps difference should not play a major difference. So my guess it's doable in BWL gear as long as Warmane balances it for 25 mans like the 4 horseman fight and so on.

  9. Release AQ40 on 27, gib mounts and title, that's what all of us care about, cya.

  10. Idk about giving mounts and titles for "free". I know for the fact that most of scarab lord chasers didnt put a single material into warr effort couse they are hoping for getting "free mount and title".
    P.S. Hands down to the guys that went hard on war effort !

  11. I can assure you, that most of the war efforts are done by guilds who are "scarab lord chasers".

  12. There just isnt any incentive for players that do not go for Scarab Lord to do the war effort. The patches release on certain dates so why would they slave away to do the war effort? To help the people who put in the effort for scarab lord achieve their goals? Respectively, count me out.

    Also the communication from the server isn't too hot eighter. Theres no clear accessable information about when the war effort starts or what the consequences are if the war effort isnt met. Let's be real here, from a server pov it is its best interest to just open te gates, open the shop (which i get from the hosts pov) and move on to the next patch.

    The server feels like it's on chill mode atm and to retain players it makes no sense to not just open te gates. It will attract players back to the game and i hate to brake it but the ppl who put the time effort in for scarab lord will be mad, but will keep playing for the most part.

    Were getting loot as a 25 player group which is supposed to be 40 man. Gearing goes fast, pvp is extremely unfun atm so the game is kind of stale now if youre in a decently performing guild. Im still having fun tho with the bro's in game but i think server management could step it up a notch.

  13. Idk about giving mounts and titles for "free". I know for the fact that most of scarab lord chasers didnt put a single material into warr effort couse they are hoping for getting "free mount and title".
    P.S. Hands down to the guys that went hard on war effort !
    Who exactly are you my rando friend to say something is 'free' ? How is giving mounts and titles 'free' when people and their respective guilds putted time to grind those 'free titles and mounts'? Even if the AQ release is delayed/limited by the War Effort - opening it at some point later manually or player bases pushes it - doesn't make anything free.

    I assume you are one of them back pedal enjoyers that re-lives 2005 exp.
    Go craft your Mageweave Bandages and I see you on the Effort, compass gaming...

  14. but the ppl who put the time effort in for scarab lord will be mad, but will keep playing for the most part.

    Here u r wrong :) They wont be mad, people will be just disapointed and will move on, so and their guilds or at least a decent chunk of players ( and those are one of most the active players on the server )

    And guilds that are filled up with such active players doesnt really care when AQ opens. They will clear it sooner or latter,on other hand i cant say same for you guys that still cant figure out how time lapse on Chroma working and still not being able to clear BWL in 5h runs
    Edited: April 18, 2024

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