1. Never played WoW before... is everyone else a 20yr Veteran?!

    I've yet to run into another player on this server that's in the same boat as me... I have never played wow (any version of it) until jumping into this server. So far the experience is very entertaining but I must say I find myself trying to decipher the lingo of people who have been grinding this for over 20 years which can be frustrating at time.

    My question to the community is simple...

    Anyone else as new as me?! Let's learn this thing together!
    Any veteran advice for someone who has never played before so he has the best possible experience? Race, class, general questing areas, lore, etc?

    Nice to meet you all!

  2. Welcome!

    It's never too late to start enjoying WoW. Since you are super new, I would recommend you to check out the guides and tutorials sections, as you might find some interesting and useful threads for new players.

    I'm sure there are plenty of guilds recruiting new players, so that also might be a good way to learn about the game with the help of more experienced players.

    I wish you a good luck and I hope you enjoy your stay with us :)

  3. Welcome. I see newcomers in the game. A few weeks back, a group of newbies was exploring a dungeon and could not find the boss (I was among them lol).

    Nice to meet you too!

  4. Welcome. I see newcomers in the game. A few weeks back, a group of newbies was exploring a dungeon and could not find the boss (I was among them lol).

    Nice to meet you too!
    Seriously wish I could feel that way again.

  5. Hello ! I'm also quite new on WoW :)

  6. Welcome to World of Warcraft! It's awesome that you're diving into this massive world for the first time. Don't worry, you're definitely not alone in being new to the game, even if it seems like everyone around you is a veteran.

    Learning the lingo can definitely be a bit overwhelming at first, but you'll get the hang of it soon enough. And you're in the right place asking for advice.

    First off, regarding race and class, it really depends on what kind of playstyle you enjoy. Each race and class has its own unique abilities and strengths. If you like magic and spellcasting, maybe stick with your troll mage for now. If you prefer being up close and personal, a warrior or rogue might be more your style. But feel free to experiment!

    As for general questing areas, starting zones are designed to ease you into the game, so follow the quests and explore as you go. Lore-wise, there's a ton of it in WoW, but don't feel like you have to absorb it all at once. Just enjoy the story as it unfolds while you play.

    And most importantly, take your time and have fun! Don't rush through things just to reach max level. Enjoy the journey and the adventures along the way.

    If you ever need help or have more questions, don't hesitate to ask. We're all here to help each other out. Welcome to Azeroth!
    Edited: April 29, 2024

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