1. Can't give refund for item

    Buying ring and after i realized i had one more, can't refund. NPC respond "Sorry, unable to refund that item"

  2. put the one you had in bank and then try to sell it back to npc

  3. Thx, but now 2 hours have already passed since the purchase and now I can’t return it at all.

  4. Welp, you chose to stay online on that character for 2 hours, Warmane has nothing to do with it. Simple log off from character would prevent that.

  5. I seriously should not play for about 12 hours until I find out how I can make a refund? This is insanity

  6. Not like you are limited to single character at all. Neither did you value emblems you've spent on it.

    Reasonable action is to stop any activity and save your grace period of return until you get answer/help. You've decided to stay 12 hours in game instead, and now are doing "surprised Pickachu face".
    I see noone else here to blame, except for you.

  7. Do I have to have other characters to play WoW?
    Especially considering that at x1 it takes a lot of time to level up. For example, I don’t want to level up a new character, or is leveling up a twink now mandatory?

  8. And I seriously have to stop playing WoW just because the refund system isn't working properly? I'm not complaining about the server since it's a pirate server. And yes, dude, it seems to me that you are too nagging at me. Why do you react so strongly to the fact that I decided to play instead of quitting the game? Just chill

  9. There's no in-game support for that.

    Be more careful when buying stuff.

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