1. Oh please. You can donate some money buy a bunch of gold with it on trade and buy all those carapaces in a day. Literally nothing to it. Also, I've not done the quest chain but isn't it 40k on retail where rep is x1? Here it should be 3 times less because Onyxia is x3 rep.
    Now that you are mentioning donating - you are aware that you can donate to buy all mats needed for war effort too, but cant donate to complete all quests for Scarab Lord, right? And you wanna donate for 42.000 Carapaces x 1-2g/per piece? Btw, Onyxia is 1x rep, so im really wondering where you got the confidence from, to join a discussion about something you have no clue about.

    I wonder if you are lying on purpose or you are simply that naive. People doing Scarab lord are doing it purely for themselves, since the mount and title are selfish cosmetic crap ;) From your posts I can tell someone from your guild, maybe even yourself, is going for the mount. There needs to be just ONE person who does it and AQ will open once the Warr effort is done. And whole server knows Tranquility had it done in like 2 days so nobody else needs to do it anymore.
    Most of the people doing the Scarab lord don't contribute to the Warr effort itself at all.

    So stop repeating the "hard work" of people doing Scarab lord, becuase there is a difference when you do it for yourself and when for someone else. People going for the Scarab lord could spend the time on War effort instead, help the whole server open it. Now you might say why? Sure, then why would people contribute to War effort and in a certain way help those kids get the mount? Give it to whoever farmed it first, hard open the AQ on 27th and everybody else won't get their mount, problem solved. Unless those people actually start helping with War effort properly which is not happening right now.

    So yeah, I don't care that 40000+ carapes is "hard work", becuase that time could be spent on War effort instead and argument "it needs to be done" is not valid, since it has alraedy been done long time ago. If someone going to play dumb that thay did not know, then now you do - Tranquility finished it long time ago (at this point many people actually). So if I see half server helping with Scarab lord instead of War effort, then the idea of nobody getting it is absolutely correct, unless those peole start helping with War effort properly, very soon.
    I do know many people (Scarab Lord contenders) which are turning in materials towards the War Effort because there are two Discord servers aimed at coordinating efforts. So your statement is completely wrong, and instead of calling me naive or a liar, you should get your facts straight. And about the rest of your post, its so delusional im not even gonna waste a breath responding to it.

    Some of you people feel encouraged by the fact that the gates might open without any effort done, and instead of enjoying that you might get into AQ without doing anything towards it, you lash out at the possibility of other people maybe getting Scarab Lord (and actually having to do something for it in return).
    Edited: April 9, 2024

  2. Now that you are mentioning donating - you are aware that you can donate to buy all mats needed for war effort too, but cant donate to complete all quests for Scarab Lord, right? And you wanna donate for 42.000 Carapaces x 1-2g/per piece? Btw, Onyxia is 1x rep, so im really wondering where you got the confidence from, to join a discussion about something you have no clue about.

    I do know many people (Scarab Lord contenders) which are turning in materials towards the War Effort because there are two Discord servers aimed at coordinating efforts. So your statement is completely wrong, and instead of calling me naive or a liar, you should get your facts straight. And about the rest of your post, its so delusional im not even gonna waste a breath responding to it.

    Some of you people feel encouraged by the fact that the gates might open without any effort done, and instead of enjoying that you might get into AQ without doing anything towards it, you lash out at the possibility of other people maybe getting Scarab Lord (and actually having to do something for it in return).
    Rofl, of course you won't respond because you are not right, simple as that.

    And trust me I am much more aware than you who is doing Scarab Lord and what is the progress in that regard + War effort. I could (anybody for that matter) tell from the start where lies your interest and why do you defend people doing Scarab Lord so much ;)
    Also, how does you, being on the same Discord servers aimed at War effort, as us, has anything to do with the fact that people doing Scarab Lord atm are contributing literally zero towards War Effort (and people farming carapaces for them)? Like what the hell...
    Sure, there are few individuals who has "finished" the main Scarab Lord part and are now contributing to Warr effort. What about the others and especially many more people trying to do the Scarab Lord now? Those are the people I am talking about as there are many more of them than those helping with War Effort.

    Funny, you say people should be happy for having AQ opened without doing anything but in your original post you are OK not having AQ opened because "we failed as a community to open it". And what exactly do you call community fail here? Or rather what people? Surely, you mean people trying Scarab Lord instead of helping with War Effort, right? You are just trying to manipulate people here. Nobody is lashing out at anybody for doing Scarab Lord, as long as it is not at the expense of War effort, which it is. Because again - instead of doing War effort, people are just farming carapaces, spending time and money on that.

    In short - I encourage Warmane team to open on 27th April as they inteded to and it is up to people to start helping properly. If they want to focus on Scarab Lord instead, then serve them right for not getting it in the end since they did nothing to help the community at all.
    If everybody does their part then War Effort will be finished by 27th in a "normal" way and (many) people will get their Scarab Lord. If not then...

  3. I wholeheartedly agree, if war effort is not finished "forcing" staff to open AQ, Scarab Lord and the mount should not be obtainable.

  4. Oh please. You can donate some money buy a bunch of gold with it on trade and buy all those carapaces in a day. Literally nothing to it. Also, I've not done the quest chain but isn't it 40k on retail where rep is x1? Here it should be 3 times less because Onyxia is x3 rep.
    Dead wrong. First you're assuming there have ever been 42k fragments on the AH. Even so to buy that much gold would be more than "some money". Also, Onyxia is 1x rep. And to Santori's point, that's only the beginning of the chain.

  5. Funny how none even mentioned that because of x3 xp rates ppl going fast in zones and all those low lvl materials are not farmed properly. And prolly back in times there has been servers with less population that completed the effort but i doubt on any of them administration is giving an ultimatum of 25 days for complete ( or smth like that) . War effort is moving forward just the dead line of 27.04 is absurd...
    Edited: April 11, 2024

  6. Reading some comments on here I can easily state. I deserve to receive Thunderfury. Why? Because I worked hard! I killed like 20 MC raids didn't get a single binding to drop but I worked very hard therefore Warmane should hand me a Thunderfury. I deserve it. Don't be jealous of me after I get it. Ppl seem to think that working hard justifies a hand out from Staff. It doesn't. Either complete the war effort and the chain or no Scarab lord.

  7. This feels like a bunch of redditors wantng stuff for free,just work for your crap,if you don't complete war effort you don't get any reward for it. stop acting entitled and use the time you wrote this many replies about something the warmane staff made clear to actually go and farm materials.The quest is meant as a grind and a comradely feat,it you can't make it go to doing what you enjoy.

  8. So, can we get some official response about the opening soon?

    • March 30th, Phase 3.5 will begin the preparations for the AQ Gates.
    • April 27th, Phase 4 will unleash Ahn’Qiraj, depending on player progress.
    Much has been said, but the official information is "depending on player progress" and id really like to know what is or is not gonna happen this Saturday.

  9. So, can we get some official response about the opening soon?

    Much has been said, but the official information is "depending on player progress" and id really like to know what is or is not gonna happen this Saturday.
    Reading the bug tracker it seems like AQ is extremely broken. Every boss is next to un-killable. My guess it will take them at least 1 more month to release it.

  10. AQ was/is completly broken we have reported everything that we could find.
    Just as we did with BWL.

    They are not releasing 27th cause it is not ready, Ct'hun is eye beaming the entire dungeon and spawning tentacles when you fight Skeram...

  11. They have no idea how much work is on their plate to get AQ ready for 25M. So it makes sense it won't open for another 4-6 weeks

  12. AQ was/is completly broken we have reported everything that we could find.
    Just as we did with BWL.

    They are not releasing 27th cause it is not ready, Ct'hun is eye beaming the entire dungeon and spawning tentacles when you fight Skeram...
    If that is really the truth, I think we would all prefer that answer over "you didn't complete the War Effort"

  13. If that is really the truth, I think we would all prefer that answer over "you didn't complete the War Effort"
    It's true that we haven't completed the war effort, so why are you expecting handouts. Your argument about transparency only works if we had finished the war effort and the gates still werent open.

    People moan about the size of our server, our population is similar to the servers back in vanilla. The reason the war effort isn't complete is that we have only had one month of the war effort patch, People wanted 3x exp so lowbies have spent less time collecting low level materials while levelling, and people just aren't bothered because they are expecting handouts from Warmane staff.

    Finish the war effort and stop idling in Stormwind/Orgrimmar. Then you can come back at the Warmane staff and complain if AQ isn't open after that.

  14. I deserve to receive Thunderfury. Why? Because I worked hard! I killed like 20 MC raids didn't get a single binding to drop but I worked very hard therefore Warmane should hand me a Thunderfury. I deserve it.
    Blizzard agrees, that's why they implemented emblems in TBC.

  15. As it says in the login screen Warmane is assisting with the war effort daily. If you're actually watching the numbers they're basically carrying this to the end. So sorry to the war effort purists; that ship sailed. Based on what we're seeing it is probably in the range of 2 - 3 weeks out. It is what it is, buy some cheap supplies off the auction house to expedite it a day or two I guess.

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