1. More players in Lordaeron

    Do you feel that there are not enough players on Lordaeron or it's just me ? What could be done for this realm to get more population? Recently I read an article about AI usage in gaming: http://www.onlyaicontent.com/ai-usag...ayers-in-mmos/ and particularly about the possibility of AI replacing real players in MMOs. I'm curious if the concepts mentioned could be applied to unpopulated servers like Lordaeron. What if AI could replicate human playstyles and help boost server populations?

  2. lordaeron is unpopulated? i see low lvls leveling everywhere

  3. Depends on what's considered "unpopulated".

    If a game lacks players and thus requires more "npcs" to actually function (e.g. there's too little people to have a functional economy which some games require to not become borderline impossible to play) AI could be a valid solution.

    But lordaeron is far from that state. It's actually doing quite well considering how old it is and how narrow the audience is actually compared to other realms like icecrown.

  4. Lordaeron can appear empty in some places at certain times. E.g silvermoon. But at times when everyone is home from work/school you best believe that the server is packed in cities and you can find others levellling everywhere.
    Also doesn’t take long to find an rdf group.

  5. Silvermoon is empty even in Icecrown. As a city, it sucks.

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