1. Shop not working as announced, the model is not similar to Icecrown


    A quick question that I'd like to raise. I expected that the shop works similar to the existing models i.e. when a certain item has dropped multiple times to players then it will become available in the shop. However, it now seems that for Onyxia the shop is limited to Dungeons/MC/Onyxia and does not offer ZG/BWL Items (current phase). Is this as expected or can I expect a change in the future?

  2. Hi,

    A quick question that I'd like to raise. I expected that the shop works similar to the existing models i.e. when a certain item has dropped multiple times to players then it will become available in the shop. However, it now seems that for Onyxia the shop is limited to Dungeons/MC/Onyxia and does not offer ZG/BWL Items (current phase). Is this as expected or can I expect a change in the future?
    It's working as intended, the model here is not what is was on Frostmourne. You won't see BWL items before AQ has released.

  3. It's working as intended, the model here is not what is was on Frostmourne. You won't see BWL items before AQ has released.
    Sure, but that was not how it was announced. Correct? Do you know if this stays the same for Onyxia TBC?

  4. Only says similar, as we've already experienced, MC gear was not put into the store until after BWl had released. I hope it stays like that for the entire duration of Onyxia, as having the current raid-tier gear in shop ruins everything.

  5. I don’t fully agree. For vanilla it’s fine but for TBC think of PvP players that require raid gear to enjoy arena gaming. I hope this changes for TBC. in the mentioned case it would also be fine if the items can only be used in PvP.?

  6. PvP players should do raids if they wanna the bis pve "items right-now". Gladiators don't need any market :D

  7. PvP players should do raids if they wanna the bis pve "items right-now". Gladiators don't need any market :D
    pve ****ing sucks though. That's the entire point of the shop...

  8. May 2, 2024  
    So what exactly do I buy with spring bonus coins? I am sure Onyxia players would be inclined to spend their hard earned cash on coins during the bonus if there was some BWL loot in the store.

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