1. May 4, 2024  

    Heya! FFXIV player missed old WoW.


    As the title says, I was a player when I was a wee lass in WotLK, but I was just a little kid running around Teldrassil. Eversong, and Stormwind dying to low level mobs. I loved making my silly little characters, sinking in dozens of hours just exploring, and starting all over again. It was my favorite game, and hold that time in my life close to my heart. Sadly, I can't quite claim the 'oldhead' title really(due to essentially playing as if it were a dressup game, lol), but I fell in love with WoW, its lore, and the fantasy gaming genre at a young age.

    FFXIV is my main MMO, as I shelved WoW during Legion, then migrated to FFXIV fully in 2020 during the mass 'Exodus'. I had fallen out of love with modern WoW, and would no doubt echo many folk's feelings here, if not echo the many heartfelt phrases heard already. After falling down a Youtube black hole of nostalgic cinematics this morning, I felt that same painful pang I've felt countless time before;

    Man. I miss WoW.

    I wanted a way to play WoW without supporting Blizzard, and happened to find Warmane through a forum. I quickly learned of the world of private servers. I never doubted they existed, just had never looked into them! Needless to say, I registered immediately.

    I've hopped into the game, began my journey in Teldrassil, and I can't wait to meet some lovely people in the community! All the best! :)))

  2. May 4, 2024  
    Oops, also forgot to say; I'm *so* happy to take advice! I'm a healer main in most MMO's/RPG's and love being as helpful as I can. If there's some good advice for levelling, healing, or general knowledge- please let me know! Thanks again for reading! :)

  3. May 4, 2024  
    Welcome to Warmane. I dropped retail after Legion as well. Nothing beat the classics.

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