1. May 5, 2024  

    restrict the usage of free action potions in bgs

    The way it is atm, I regularly see people in bgs who just chug one free action potion after the other, being immune to stuns and slows every single fight, and whats the point? espacially for flag carriers it feels completely broken, as there is 0 trade-off. the people who dont use it at this point are basically the stupid ones, while everyone agrees that pvp is balanced around nobody using any.
    My suggestion is that there needs to be some trade-off on free action pots in bgs, either a long cooldown so people can maximum use 0-2 in a bg, that people have reduced movement speed for the duration or take extra damage. right now it is a gamebreakingly big advantage to use them, without any downsides, which simply goes against the spirit of the game.
    The solution is either to nerf/disable free action potions or for everyone to constantly have them active in the future, I think I speak for 99% of the people when I say that pvp where stuns work, as blizzard originally intended, is better by a huge margin

  2. May 5, 2024  
    CC them more and enjoy them going bankrupt.

  3. May 5, 2024  
    Bankrupt? Do you know how much a FAP costs in blackrock?

  4. May 5, 2024  
    they are pretty much for free, and many people pop a potion the moment I get in their charge range

  5. May 5, 2024  
    Oh, look at Mr. Whiny McWhinerson over here, crying about people using free action potions in battlegrounds. Can't handle a little strategy and resource management, huh? Instead of adapting your own playstyle or using a counter-strategy, you'd rather demand that Blizzard nerf or disable a perfectly legitimate item just because you can't handle getting stunned. Maybe instead of trying to ruin the game for others, you should learn to deal with different tactics and actually get better at PvP. And speaking for "99% of the people"? Please, speak for yourself and stop trying to force your entitled opinions on others. If you can't handle a little challenge in PvP, maybe stick to playing Candy Crush or something more your speed.

  6. May 5, 2024  
    A very snotty answer which is also completely disconnected from reality and how pvp works.

    Blizzard already devised a plan to avoid people spamming FAPs, which was making them very expensive. What many people (including myself) have complained about is that the low price they are sold in Blackrock makes players able to spam them, which is NOT what Blizzard intended.

  7. May 5, 2024  
    how exactly do you conterplay someone being immune to all your cc? how do you kill a hunter who is out of your range the moment you charge him, because he is immune to the stun of your charge and freely walks away while slowing and shooting? the only counterplay there is to use those potions myself on cd, which ruins the game for everyone.
    "you'd rather demand that Blizzard nerf or disable a perfectly legitimate item just because you can't handle getting stunned" I think you 100% miss my point, as I have 0 problem with being ccd, I just want other people to have to handle it aswell instead of playing limitless, free "get out of jail" cards

    Edit: your opinion is pretty much exactly the opposite of actual reality, where the only people who feel the need to spam faps are those who cannot handle being ccd and dont want to learn how to actually counterplay, but rather take the easy route of making it impossible for other people to outplay them via cc. The core of outplaying someone is cc, which faps prevent. I have heard similar arguments of lvl 80s who kill lowbies
    Edited: May 5, 2024

  8. May 5, 2024  
    It's true that they can give a significant advantage, especially to flag carriers. However, I think the issue is more about the imbalance they create rather than the potions themselves. Nerfing or disabling free action potions might not be the best solution, as they have their place in the game. Instead, I believe adjusting their usage could be a better approach. Introducing a cooldown or reducing their effectiveness in BGs could help balance things out. This way, players would have to strategize and use them more sparingly, making their usage more tactical rather than just spamming them.

  9. May 5, 2024  
    What are you doing, using GPT to write this drivel?

  10. May 5, 2024  
    well, ye that's basically what I said: give them a trade-off, so that mindlessly spamming them isnt giving you a huge advantage,
    -make the cooldown really long
    -make people slowed for their duration
    -make people take significant extra dmg for their duration
    those are the 3 immediate ways which make them require some thought while still being useful in many situations for the people who want to use them

  11. May 6, 2024  
    Been a problem for a long time. But since the classes that benefit the most from these (plates / hunters), also are the classes that are played the most, I feel like it's hard to get enough momentum to actually see it addressed. I know wotlk is a plate expansion, but things like this just compounds the issue. Every BG these days are filled with the same classes. It's like 80% warriors/dks/palas and hunters. I know Warmane doesn't care about pvp, but there's some very easy solutions that would fix it:

    - Increase the cost of fap on Blackrock. It's currently 200 honor, it should be around 1000 imo.
    - Decrease the spawn rate of Oily Blackmouth on Lordaeron/Icecrown/Onyxia by a lot. Maybe by a factor of 5. It doesn't really serve any other purpose than to create fap, so it wouldn't really impact other parts of the game.

    Naturally, by making it more expensive, people would be less inclined to spam them.
    Edited: May 6, 2024

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