1. 4 Weeks Ago  

    is Vanish bugged?

    why can hunters still target me out of stealth detection range whilst I'm vanished with no dots, bleeds, flare or hunters mark?

    is this a bug or a latency issue between the time of the shots travelling?

    literally every single BG I get my vanish broken by a hunter from 20-30+ yards away when its supposed to be less detectable than normal stealth? even if I time my vanish to counter this still just get hit by their next attack... happens with other classes too but hunters are the one I notice most as it happens atleast once per BG

    nice how they don't have the same bug with feign death and that instantly cancels target but yet the most important ability of rogues kit to survive is useless 75% of time?

    not even trying to hate on hunter as I main hunt myself but why tf is this a thing

  2. 4 Weeks Ago  
    hunters are natural counter of rogues. 100y 5min dot. flares. arrows + sting, traps... deterrence even jump + pararute. what do you want, suk to be a rogue when a hunter finds you

  3. 3 Weeks Ago  
    Oh yes. Playing rogue right now and seems like vanish does nothing. Pets just keep attacking etc.

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