1. 4 Weeks Ago  

    Don't Build Expertise on DK DPS

    Since you hitting from behind, there is a small chance to get "Dodged" by bosses on raids.

    Well i made a test on Heroic Dummy and these are the results:

    Expertise Time Prob Dodge Hits Dodges Normal Crit Glancing
    23 0:32:32 0,287% 697 2 265 250 180
    17 0:30:49 2,388% 670 16 244 237 173
    10 0:30:49 3,075% 683 21 230 252 180

    Whatever is your expertise, while shld be min 5 exp (from talents), build anymore of that is just waste of any other valuable stat with real output dps. If u get Dodged by boss, u will need to only redo de hability. Also de Probability to get Dodged 3 times in a row with pleague strike shld be around 0,000029% wich will occur once in 34,843 cases... don't worth it, just re hit the ability.

  2. 4 Weeks Ago  
    Well, it is nothing new tbh and is even mentioned in the UDK guide from Gnimo that no-exp UDK has POTENTIAL for highest dps at BIS.
    FDK however has so tight rotation that you cannot afford ability recast if dodged without adjusting rest of the cycle and you still might miss next Pesti -> huge dps loss.

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