1. 3 Weeks Ago  
    Do you ever wonder why some players attack low-level characters? It's because they get tired of facing off against coordinated groups and multiboxers in battlegrounds. When that happens, they turn to world PvP instead. If you happen to cross paths with one of these players, you're likely to get taken out.

    Places like the Tanaris camp and Stranglethorn Vale become PvP hotspots for level 80 players.

    I'm in the same boat. Why would I bother joining random battlegrounds just to face premade groups and end up getting camped by them and their multiboxers? It doesn't make sense.

    This is me in aquatic form, you cant catch me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAckVuEY_Rc
    No, I don't wonder, because I know what the reasons are. Sure, some are like you say. But not everyone. I, personally, have ganked lowbies before. Usually because they're being terrible to someone else on my faction while they're trying to level, or I'm trying to get them to cry in guild or global so an 80 will come and fight me. Usually I'd win, and they'd bring more friends, and then I'd call my guild, and then we'd have some fun. But, those days are ancient history now.

  2. 1 Week Ago  
    By this ******ed mindset we should not kill other people in a game because it doesn't feel good for them, as people said it's a game **** is not real if it's real for you then you're a manchild simple :)

  3. 1 Week Ago  
    By this ******ed mindset we should not kill other people in a game because it doesn't feel good for them, as people said it's a game **** is not real if it's real for you then you're a manchild simple :)
    It takes a massively larger amount of maturity to respect the fun of others and only do it when both sides are interested and willing, than it will ever be required to go "lulz u red u ded."

  4. 1 Week Ago  
    It takes a massively larger amount of maturity to understand that it's just a game and nothing is serious but guess i can't expect that from someone who invested his life on wow

  5. 1 Week Ago  
    It takes a massively larger amount of maturity to understand that it's just a game and nothing is serious but guess i can't expect that from someone who invested his life on wow
    Respect for others' and their fun, not being a narcissist who believes their fun supersedes others, and not having fun at the expense of others, all of those stand above whether something is a game or not, but I guess I can't expect understanding that from the "lulz u red u ded" immature sort.

  6. 1 Week Ago  
    I don't mind people going around killing evry low level. For me it is very frustrating and it waste a lot of my time, but it is what the game offers.

    The consideration is that people who invested time in this game are making it less fun for others who are leveling and thus have very little invested time, which may make them want to leave this game.

    If they want a dead server, i mean go for it. But ultimately, without new player influx, the server will die.

  7. 1 Week Ago  
    If they want a dead server, i mean go for it. But ultimately, without new player influx, the server will die.
    So many "Do this [insert suggestion], or server will die." Yet server is still alive after all these years with strong numbers.

  8. 1 Week Ago  
    No matter what you do, certain percentage of population will have psychopathic traits. It's not a "game thing". "Everyone should live happy friendly rainbows" is a joke that ill never happen, even if it would be possible. It might be one of those things that are necessary for our species.

    So you just have to deal with them, there wont be a fix to human condition in your lifetime and, probably, not in 100 lifetimes.

  9. 1 Week Ago  
    I dO wOrLd PvP 'cAuSe I aM tIrEd oF mUlTiBoXeRs AnD pReMaDes...

    Have you ever considered arena? Of course you didn't, and I know why you didn't. We all know why you didn't.

  10. 1 Day Ago  
    I recently started playing Warmane and Overall having a fun experience but to be honest i resorted to level using dungeon finder after level 60 with my main, there was an absolute insane amount of ganks to the point it got kinda hilarious

    I'm currently sitting at max level and just started to go around and just do some quests that i wanted to do before but couldn't do due to that, sometimes i find some low level hordes and honestly it feels just so utterly pointless to kill them than i just ignore them

    that said i had so much fun when i was fishing at barrens and some Shadow priest attacked me and i barely managed to kill him, so yeah pvp is very fun having to pvp a guy 20 to 30 levels beyond you not so much lmao

  11. 1 Day Ago  
    Are you really arguing about people ganking low levels on Warmane? It's a normal part of World of Warcraft. The game is designed in a way that allows higher-level players to gank lower-level ones for various reasons: boredom, lack of skill in arenas and battlegrounds, or just plain faction hate. You can argue all you want, but it's not going to change anything.

    What's funny is seeing fully geared players from both the Horde and Alliance ganking and camping low-level players. Then, when they get beaten, they log off. Another annoying thing is the presence of twinks—low-level characters with the best possible gear. These players think they’re skilled, but it's just like a geared player fighting someone with lower gear.

    I was in Booty Bay and saw members of a guild called <Wicked PvP> ganking low-level players. They got beaten by some low-geared level 80 players and left the area.

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