Does Spell Penet on AQ items have any use in PVE? I'm an Elemental Shaman, cant benefit from Warlock Curses (Nature spell pool)
all the forums about vanilla say that Spell Penet on PVE doesn't work. even with Warlock curses, people get benefit from % dmg + not from lower Resistance, etc which most of the bosses have very little base resistance + you cant reduce flat 24 Resistance from bosses

however, on AQ 40(25) You can get many Spell Penet items. I asked to GM ticket about how Warmane works with spell penetration, I got an answer as
same as how was it back in the day. which answers my question with okay back in the day it didn't work at all according to forums. But, we are in Wotlk expansion blessed in vanilla, also it's Warmane so rules can be flexible. did they fix it? Can we benefit from it? any idea or proof you have?