1. from a pvp point of view, it will be cool if warmane could implement a short period of changing faction from alliance to horde freely

    actually after many many alterac i can feel the ongoing horde/alliance dynamic

    alliance have more powerful healers and paladin buff and freedom give serious edge
    as i play both side through mercenary mode, i saw horde more desorganized in term of healing while they are smarter strategically, they managed to get bridge each time ninjaing snowfall and resist alliance push thanks to many mboxers on horde side.

    if you remove mboxers you can feel the unbalance immediatly

    i like the challenge to confront strongest team/faction so i will change faction surely

    we have to remember that the global player base is not the pvp player base on the realm. You see the pvp names coming back again and again on the battleground while you never see some names who do only pve.

    Sometimes i wonder if it can be wise to open faction change to those with certain amount of hk. For the example, let's say all players above from R6-R8 can change faction for some days if they want it could be very balancing for the pvp community on Onyxia.

    thus, you don't touch the whole player base so much.

    but it's possible to have reason for pve boy to change faction and maybe some rule like changin faction could be implemented

  2. Race Change will happen at some point, no information of when, though. I'd believe at most when we move on to Burning Crusade and disabled races are made available. Faction Change I already answered almost a month and a half ago, and there was no "at the end" or "until" in my post.
    in tbc it wont matter as much anymore
    right now missing weapon specialization racial can easily make 5-10% dps difference so race change is very needed
    Edited: February 14, 2024

  3. in tbc it wont matter as much anymore
    right now missing weapon specialization racial can easily make 5-10% dps difference so race change is very needed
    no its not needed at all, you should had thought of that before you created the character you did.

  4. no its not needed at all, you should had thought of that before you created the character you did.
    i wasnt aware of how important race selection is when making a character and dont want to lose 3 months of progress and start over on another one
    it doesnt make sense that we can buy some of BiS items but cant even do something as simple as race change
    if its not needed then why all other realms have this option but onyxia not ? should they disable it on other realms too then ?

  5. This is Onyxia, not "other realms."

  6. This is Onyxia, not "other realms."
    i am aware
    i will just start a new character then since now i know race change is not coming anytime soon.. hopefully can catch up soon, thanks anyway :)

  7. What about racechanges though
    staff said sometimes in TBC when locked races become avaliable.
    Edited: March 4, 2024 Reason: wrong spelling

  8. Hi,

    So do you confirm that race change in order for PvE players to be able to keep optimization, for example swap my troll hunter into an orc hunter, will be available let's say at the latest at the begining of TBC ?

    Thanks for your info

  9. yes but at this point many players quit here....i think its not so hard to let ppl change their race....or do it manually....

  10. Best @obnoxious,

    Can there be added a racechange just when Naxx comes out, would be fun actually. If its possible ofcourse.

    kind regards,

    pete peterson

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