1. When changes like this happen the best thing to do is to take a break for some time. The first couple of weeks will be a disaster.

    But reading forums will be fun so ill have that
    this is most likely gonna be a gradual process though. new players who lacks time and/or money will slowly dwindle in numbers over time

    you've got a long show ahead

  2. The concerns for Cataclysm and Mists of Pandaria reputation issues are valid. We are internally testing all the reputations on both expansions and checking how the reputation decrease will affect them. It will be a priority to fix up gaps and make them completely doable prior to the reputation decrease rate. It is not in our interest to make those things unplayable.

    On top of that, Cataclysm zones rewrite is not "soon". It is already happening for a month. You can see progress for Mount Hyjal, complete rewrite here, for example.
    Quests in Hyjal worked better a couple years ago than now... just my two cents.

  3. Quests in Hyjal worked better a couple years ago than now... just my two cents.
    One would hope so, since the current re-write is a work in progress.

  4. One would hope so, since the current re-write is a work in progress.
    some people could also argue that "works in progress" should not be applied to live realms...
    but that would be the same people that would go "y we no get update warmean" if this didn't happen

    I guess you can't please everyone

  5. Honestly, if you could fix the dumb http://www.wowhead.com/quest=26294/w...ss-dysfunction quest so I can go and do quests in Twilight Highlands in order to get a head enchant, that would be splendid. Don't tell me to post it on bugtracker, it's been for an eternity and nobody bothered to fix it. ;)

  6. Honestly, if you could fix the dumb http://www.wowhead.com/quest=26294/w...ss-dysfunction quest so I can go and do quests in Twilight Highlands in order to get a head enchant, that would be splendid. Don't tell me to post it on bugtracker, it's been for an eternity and nobody bothered to fix it. ;)
    can you buy the said enchants on the website's market? if yes i wouldn't get my hopes up

  7. Don't expect staff to care but I feel like venting.
    As a returning player from pre-Moltdown Ragnaros I'm really not looking forward to the reputation/profession changes.

    Imagine being a new non-donor player finally getting to level your character after a 1.5 hour queue just to get chain ganked by higher level people who are grinding their gathering professions.
    Or being a person who only cares about PvP and having to do ICC rep farm a thousand times before getting that ring.
    Hitting 77 and not being able to afford 5k gold cold weather flying because your herbs + leather are selling at Blizzlike prices.

    What a ****ty experience. I don't understand why the staff are pushing "Blizzlike" crap on Icecrown, there already is Lordaeron for the ones who find that fun. The majority of people enjoy high rates and the player numbers show it.
    Should at least consider keeping the ICC rep rates at 7x and lowering the cost of mounts to make it easier for newcomers. Maybe also make the profession rates 4x or something.

  8. ^this is 100% on point. It makes ZERO sense to turn a fun mid-rate realm into a boring as **** 1x realm for everything except exp. 1x rep and profs work at 1x exp, as you spend enough time in each area to level everything, make enough money from AH-ing all the stuff you don't need, etc. the dissonance between the exp rate and gold rate is already felt with people too low on money for skills, let alone profs. Pushing 1x prof and rep into this environment will lead to a few things:
    mass quitting when people want to play a REAL midrate realm, not one that just rushes you to 80, which is straight up the most boring part of the game.
    a worse experience than lordaeron since nobody will be at appropriate money, rep or prof based on their levels, everyone will either be bored being overlevelled and fishing for 17k hours or simply not doing profs at all, which is terrible as it is.
    tons of backlash, more than now and the realm hasn't even experienced the change yet. it will result in people saying "avoid that realm, it makes no sense and is boring as ****", and they'll be right.
    no people, bad reviews and an unpleasant experience WILL result in loss of money and cred. you guys DO NOT want to go this path, i don't know why you think it's a good idea.

  9. making the profs lower rates will not increase prof mats moving in AH. it will make people quit doing profs altogether, mark my words! there will be less people that give any kind of a **** about it, and that will tank that aspect of the economy, and create a huge unbalance for new players vs old ones, especially in pvp. that is a disaster. the profs in AH already move, there's buying and selling of profs sufficient as it is, in fact all of my characters so far can only afford skills, profs, things like riding, dual specs and mounts at around appropriate level already ONLY because of the economy that exists for profs as it is. when nobody wants to do them cuz you might as well be playing lordaeron if you give a **** about them you won't get any money from them. and of course there will be the *****s that sell everything too expensive 24/7 to further enrage and abuse the very few people that do. there is nothing good in this.

  10. I think they want players to move to Lordaeron by introducing such changes because we have to pay monthly to skip queue in Lordaeron.

  11. Don't expect staff to care but I feel like venting.
    As a returning player from pre-Moltdown Ragnaros I'm really not looking forward to the reputation/profession changes.

    Imagine being a new non-donor player finally getting to level your character after a 1.5 hour queue just to get chain ganked by higher level people who are grinding their gathering professions.
    Or being a person who only cares about PvP and having to do ICC rep farm a thousand times before getting that ring.
    Hitting 77 and not being able to afford 5k gold cold weather flying because your herbs + leather are selling at Blizzlike prices.

    What a ****ty experience. I don't understand why the staff are pushing "Blizzlike" crap on Icecrown, there already is Lordaeron for the ones who find that fun. The majority of people enjoy high rates and the player numbers show it.
    Should at least consider keeping the ICC rep rates at 7x and lowering the cost of mounts to make it easier for newcomers. Maybe also make the profession rates 4x or something.
    The only thing that will happen after the squish is that above.

    It's not reliable to make such changes wich will benefit only the old players ( i am old player ) we already have proffs/reps. Prices at the moment are okay i don't see the problem seriously. Let's take gems for example they are on 400-700 gold you can make 400g for like 5 mins each quest is giving like 100g when completed.

    Staff are talking for stable economy but we have coin shop with coin > gold / gold > coin how is this stabilizing anything ?! Leave it like this, people that play on the high rated realms are there for high rates don't make warmane one big lordaeron, wich noone wants to play since they are like 5k on on peeks ...

  12. I think they want players to move to Lordaeron by introducing such changes because we have to pay monthly to skip queue in Lordaeron.
    You dont have to pay monthly to skip queues

    They want people to move to Lordaeron because that ****ty realm is declining with every passing day, and they dont want to accept it was a fail since the start

    Why the **** would people donate for stuff on an x1 realm? if they play on a x1 realm, they dont want easy stuff, the realm was totally doomed since it's conception

  13. on lord you have to pay monthly to skip queues

    at least it was like that at the begining dunno about now since you dont have to skip queues anymore

  14. I'd never thought I would ever beg Staff members, but please, I really hope you re-consider your decision on reputation changes, as a part of it remains the server active and you'll see players going around farming so. No one's going to grind on x1 on a fast rate server minded, or very few will. Keep in mind that fast reps also help new players, as they have the chance of getting some gear upon getting 80, and not going PvE nor PvP with lvl 138 greens...

  15. As someone who just leveled... let me say this. When I first got to 80, I had almost no gold, couldn't buy all my abilities and no way in hell could afford 4k flying. But within a couple weeks of grinding normal instances for blues, saving my gold... I finally reached 4k and got flying. Changing the rates will make that time after dinging 80 even harder for new players. They will have worse gear, probably only journeyman profs, and not even outland flying.

    Everyone, including myself, came because of the increased rates as it gives me the enjoyable experience I once had, without requiring the time I did back then. Sure, there is the 1% who play all the time, farm millions of gold, etc... but changing the rates to combat them isn't going to do much, except make the gap wider.

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