1. It proves that you're too poos to queue again :-] You're the pathetic one. You won't even tell us your IGN, most likely because you're stuck at 2k yourself ;(.
    I'm bothering with a worthless wb glad.
    Oww man, look he's actually insulting when he doesn't have anymore logical arguments to come up with. Let's go in circles shall we?

    This proves that you're too bad and incompetent to queue arenas (anyone can get 2200 from capping, my rsham alts did) :-] You're the pathetic one. You can't even find my IGN here because it's irrelevant because I don't play this realm as much as I do anymore, most likely because I'm not stuck at 2k myself like 90% of your guild members ;(.
    I'm bothering with a worthless BG hero that will get nowhere BG-wise other than turn a few heads in Battlegrounds or disappoint people with some sort of bragging rights for themselves in BGs.

    it's too cute man, your tears to make yourself feel better on a video game is just simple remarkable.

  2. Oww man, look he's actually insulting when he doesn't have anymore logical arguments to come up with. Let's go in circles shall we?

    This proves that you're too bad and incompetent to queue arenas (anyone can get 2200 from capping, my rsham alts did) :-] You're the pathetic one. You can't even find my IGN here because it's irrelevant because I don't play this realm as much as I do anymore, most likely because I'm not stuck at 2k myself like 90% of your guild members ;(.
    I'm bothering with a worthless BG hero that will get nowhere BG-wise other than turn a few heads in Battlegrounds or disappoint people with some sort of bragging rights for themselves in BGs.
    Nah, why would I waste more time on a completely worthless forumjoke that's too scared to tell us his name? You're hiding it because you're a poospoos.
    Yes, we already know that you'll get 2200 from capping, it's nothing new. I'm glad your alts managed to get that precious achievement.

    90% of my guild members? False. Talk about fake arguments.. /facepalm :-]

  3. Nah, why would I waste more time on a completely worthless forumjoke that's too scared to tell us his name? You're hiding it because you're a poospoos.
    Yes, we already know that you'll get 2200 from capping, it's nothing new. I'm glad your alts managed to get that precious achievement.

    90% of my guild members? False. Talk about fake arguments.. /facepalm :-]
    It's a mere assumption that one can deduce from a guild that specializes in battlegrounds so yeah... not an argument.. get it right.

    Yeah, if I was wasting your time, why are you replying back to me with blazing fast speeds. I'm the forumjoke though? Really? I'm not the one that screenshots every 'burn' I can post so I can use it later because I'm not actually pathetic or poospoos. You should redirect your arguments back to yourself before you do that.

    Tired of wasting my time with BG heroes here, hurry up and make yourself useful and promote WPVP and Battlegrounds, it's the only thing you're useful for. I'm out.

    edit: If you want my credentials, hmu on PM so we can arrange it.
    Edited: February 5, 2016

  4. It's a mere assumption that one can deduce from a guild that specializes in battlegrounds so yeah... not an argument.. get it right.

    Yeah, if I was wasting your time, why are you replying back to me with blazing fast speeds. I'm the forumjoke though? Really? I'm not the one that screenshots every 'burn' I can post so I can use it later because I'm not actually pathetic or poospoos. You should redirect your arguments back to yourself before you do that.

    Tired of wasting my time with BG heroes here, hurry up and make yourself useful and promote WPVP and Battlegrounds, it's the only thing you're useful for. I'm out.
    It was more of a question, give me one good reason to why should I waste more of my time on someone that wont even tell me his IGN? For all we know you could be some random 1550 scrubnub named aowkd. If I actually had your name then I think this would be more interesting, not only for me, but for everyone.

    Isn't it funny that you "glads" are so filled with hatred against the people that queue BGs all the time? I'm not saying BGs takes more skill, ofcourse it doesn't. No one ever said that. But still, why is that? Is it because you scream at each other @ Skype when nothing goes your way in there against the true Gods such as JDMT & Psiho? And whenever you do win once in a while, you'll probably scream like this happy guy.
    You talk endless **** about the ones doing BGs, most of you "glads" claim that Rated BGs takes no skill whatsoever and that we're crap at whatever we do, but you still failed to win that single RBG where you had 10 glads and whatnot in a bunch versus 10 dog****s.

    Ya, great idea! I suggest you take the easy way out and leave like so many before you.
    Spoiler: Show
    You'll respond sooner or later baby :]..

  5. You guys are still bickering on this thread? o.o

  6. I'm not saying BGs takes more skill, ofcourse it doesn't. No one ever said that.
    No one? You sure? >_>

  7. No one? You sure? >_>
    Of course BGs doesn't take more skill than arena. Who said it did? If anyone claimed so the person is obviously dumb.
    You don't have to mark words, you know what I mean.

  8. Of course BGs doesn't take more skill than arena. Who said it did? If anyone claimed so the person is obviously dumb.
    You don't have to mark words, you know what I mean.
    Well, you know... Some people think that arenas its all about hugging a pillar 24/7... i'm glad that you're not that kinda of guy :D

  9. It was more of a question, give me one good reason to why should I waste more of my time on someone that wont even tell me his IGN? For all we know you could be some random 1550 scrubnub named aowkd. If I actually had your name then I think this would be more interesting, not only for me, but for everyone.

    Isn't it funny that you "glads" are so filled with hatred against the people that queue BGs all the time? I'm not saying BGs takes more skill, ofcourse it doesn't. No one ever said that. But still, why is that? Is it because you scream at each other @ Skype when nothing goes your way in there against the true Gods such as JDMT & Psiho? And whenever you do win once in a while, you'll probably scream like this happy guy.
    You talk endless **** about the ones doing BGs, most of you "glads" claim that Rated BGs takes no skill whatsoever and that we're crap at whatever we do, but you still failed to win that single RBG where you had 10 glads and whatnot in a bunch versus 10 dog****s.

    Ya, great idea! I suggest you take the easy way out and leave like so many before you.
    Spoiler: Show
    You'll respond sooner or later baby :]..
    JDMT is pretty well, if only he actually played.. Psiho, fake ban reporter and ddoser oh okay true gods true.

    But yeah, it is fulfilling to destroy an arena team when you know the odds aren't in your favor as to how BGs are too, so kind of a double standard there too.

    We never said Rated BGs takes no skill, we're saying it's pointless to actually try in Rated BGs because 1. no queue 2. it's buggy 3. you guys count your win by tally marks because Rated BG and most of its achievements don't work here.

    In other words, we cba to do Rated BGs if there's no incentive other than bragging rights to it.

    But hey, that's fine, people win and lose, thats what it takes to be human, you can spam "hurr durr we won u in rated bg xDDDDD we r sucks tho" but then we can say "hurr durr we won u in arenas xDDDD we r sucks tho"

    you keep going back in circles and making a complete fool of yourself.

    hmu on pm if you want me to log my char so you can stop crying about it.

    Well, you know... Some people think that arenas its all about hugging a pillar 24/7... i'm glad that you're not that kinda of guy :D
    because m8, it is easier to demolish 90k people in battlegrounds than it is to demolish decently brained players in arenas.

    that's the DONORs way :^)

  10. anarchy have a 7-8 man premade going (most times they do)
    Where do people get this information. I want to join that anarchy. D:

  11. JDMT is pretty well, if only he actually played.. Psiho, fake ban reporter and ddoser oh okay true gods true.
    Of course, because if you can't beat him hes automatically a DDoSer. Do you live in Africa or what? Why do you give your Skype out to potential DDoSers and is there any actual proof of this? Is Jdmt not Jetlife? That was his 2 names on Warsong 1 year ago. I thought it was him here aswell..

    We never said Rated BGs takes no skill, we're saying it's pointless to actually try in Rated BGs because 1. no queue 2. it's buggy 3. you guys count your win by tally marks because Rated BG and most of its achievements don't work here.
    You'll remain a shadow to me until you put a name up here. You're not a part of that "we" group. It's funny that you mention Rated BG's being pointless. *EDIT* Obviously you don't do Rated BG's here to get rating and gather elite pieces/achievements, we all know that the server population of Neltharion at this moment is too small. So yeah, that is indeed pretty pointless but when it comes to having fun and challenging other guilds, it's not.
    1. This can easily be fixed.
    2. It's not that buggy, is it? The only thing would be the scoreboard but most of us has the Recount addon. We can atleast see our DPS there if it's that important.
    3. Rated BG is fun. The achievements? I couldn't care less about them honestly. It's just fun having big fights.

    About the arenas? Up there you just told us all that the rank 1 teams (psiho is always at the top)pretty much ddoses and gets people banned for something that they did not do. You're not the first one to say that and somehow that makes me think even attempting to go for it would be pretty pointless, no?

    In the end you'll end up fighting the same 10 teams being a bunch of ret/rogues/enh/hunters over and over again aswell as sitting in queue for 1 hour stroking penises in Elwynn. How could that possibly be fun or competetive at all? A week or two ago there was a mass ban of people for faking reports, but how does one fake a report? What kind of "evidence" do they use to get one banned?

    hmu on pm if you want me to log my char so you can stop crying about it.
    Why not just tell us all here?
    Edited: February 5, 2016

  12. So something just occurred to me. People say they do premades not cuz of the extreme, heart attack inducing thrill of it.. but because they want to fight other premades. So.. you spend hours, sitting outside of a gy.. just to fight a random premade that may or may not be playing? lol.. I dunno about you all, but it's a waste of life to me. Hell, I don't even bg anymore, I just let my nephews or nieces do bg's for me now instead since I still need honor or cap on all of my characters :) Living Anti-AFK bots ftw :D Plus it keeps them out of my hair lol

    I guess, many ppl are scared to do rbg's vs some groups here, which is part of why they resorted to premade hunting in bg's. But if that's the case, doesn't that mean you're already better then them so there's not much challenge? I still don't understand fully lol

  13. So something just occurred to me. People say they do premades not cuz of the extreme, heart attack inducing thrill of it.. but because they want to fight other premades. So.. you spend hours, sitting outside of a gy.. just to fight a random premade that may or may not be playing? lol.. I dunno about you all, but it's a waste of life to me. Hell, I don't even bg anymore, I just let my nephews or nieces do bg's for me now instead since I still need honor or cap on all of my characters :) Living Anti-AFK bots ftw :D Plus it keeps them out of my hair lol

    I guess, many ppl are scared to do rbg's vs some groups here, which is part of why they resorted to premade hunting in bg's. But if that's the case, doesn't that mean you're already better then them so there's not much challenge? I still don't understand fully lol
    Fighting a premade is just a bonus. The main reason to why I do it is to farm as many HK's as possible, which has been said a few times before, and not to actually 'hunt' the premade.

    I also don't think you're the right person to talk about something such as "waste of life".

  14. that wasn't directed @ you. as i know u, and ofc not only u [though i don't specifically know who else :P], are interested in hk's. but i highly doubt the majority of them do it for that reason. i know there's some that do it cuz they want an easy life.. i'm not bashing them either, i understand it.. hell, i can't play gta without cheats, not that it's hard, just habitual i guess? :P well, i'm not trying to bash anyone at all really, it just comes off like that. i'm trying to understand why decent players [willing to use binds/macros, and actually trying to be good at the game] do it, that aren't aiming for hk's. i think many of them never stopped to think about it really, that's all.

    and u have the right to ur opinion on that one. but i definitely never sit there doing anything i find to be boring [few exceptions ofc :P]

  15. Well it's quite obvious the best way to classify a "good" player would be to queue 3s however 3s is almost dead either has win traders or queues can take 1+ hours. As I said if someone is going to brag about "rating" they may as well either have a gladiator or challenger title, rival dosent mean much as anyone who wants it and takes the time to queue 3s can get it. 2s is a joke and is imbalanced, duels are imbalanced, 5s is mainly for Subwars no one takes 5s seriously and random bgs is boring and dosent take much to win with a roflstomped pre. Rated bgs actually takes skill as it requires more than just CC this target and LoS while I put on dots it takes much more than that, as a healer in rated bgs you cannot hide behind a pillar, your true skill shows on how you perform on the field protecting not only yourself but your entire team while your team has to take down the enemy team with either AoE, dotting. Target switching w/e the case may be. It also requires more communication and cooperation than 2s and 3s

    Unless you are a glad, challenger or can actually be successful at RBGs you just aren't that good.
    you say 2s is a joke and imbalanced and then say you're only good if you're glad or challanger.Again you said to classify a good player would be to queue 3s but then say rival dosen't mean much.What is your logic???

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