1. It was alright, could have made it a little better. Not the greatest season finale.

  2. They left out the giant cliffhanger the book ended on. I think the show could have used a nice cliffhanger going into the break; as it is now the season is ending with a few fan favorites leaving the continent, kind of lame. I mean, we're talking like red wedding level of intensity left out of the finale.

  3. Trade chat on my Realm is going insane. I'm sat there making sure no-one gives spoilers.

  4. I'd rather play a game mode where you get punished for a single mistake over one where a rogue is able to outheal Aff lock dots...
    It's not about the mistakes, it's about the damage you take even with a nice amount of resilience.

  5. It's not about the mistakes, it's about the damage you take even with a nice amount of resilience.
    I got one shot by an Russian Affliction Lock today in a BG :/ even with 80% resil. I was pounding him pretty hard and I went from 80% HP -> Dead in 1 GCD... Legit.

    And no i Didn't Shamanistic Rage off his UA, nor did he get off Malific's Graps, he was locked down too hard for him to cast it :/

  6. So theres a magazine about games here in Serbia called Screenfun,and among articles there was one small:
    Making of the warcraft movie is done,now with all the effect post-production will take some time,movie will be out in summer 2016,WAIT WHAT ?

  7. So theres a magazine about games here in Serbia called Screenfun,and among articles there was one small:
    Making of the warcraft movie is done,now with all the effect post-production will take some time,movie will be out in summer 2016,WAIT WHAT ?

  8. Warning: comic about hard drugs and satanists
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  9. m4x0rz's Avatar
    I got this MASSIVE craving for carrot cake and am pretty sure I can eat an entire cake in the next few days, but the store ran out of 8" single layer carrot cakes because of Father's Day. There won't be anymore for almost 12 hours. I'm ****ing PISSED bro

    I don't want to eat anything else, or drink anything. I just want my ****ing carrot cake, and that specific cakesize is the only one that tastes really good


    All I can think about is carrot cake

  10. Bombs go off when I enter the building.

  11. Bombs go off when I enter the building.
    Holy ****, 30 days went by quickly.

  12. Holy ****, 30 days went by quickly.
    It was only 2 Weeks, not 4.

  13. Next time if someone else bans me except Grace, I'll stop posting forever. Okay.

    Something off topic (that's not talking about me);

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