1. You could not be more wrong. WOD is actualy the best exp i played and ofc i played retail till recently. When WOD came out subs got back to 10 million ppl. Dreanor is epic.

    But for warmane to script the questline and all the quests that's on WOD i guess they will need about 4-5 years of work, not to mention all the time phasing which requires alot of work and alot of server power.
    My suggestion is for Warmane to start a WOD pvp server, then they will first be focusing on class fixes which are most importaint and pvp content (like AT WOD test realm).
    Actually WOD is so unbalanced its ******ed,just check 6.2 patch notes.It doesnt make any sense.Blizzard just doesnt care about balance in pvp.Pvp is at its ****test point ever in history of wow.But i agree with you on the questline and pve content.I dont think molten is capable of scripting that.And starting a pvp server is a bad idea hence pvp in wod is the worst.

  2. No reason to open a WOD realm , if you do that then is better to remove mop realms.
    MOP is too bugged so propably devs should focus on it if we want a good mop server like LK or Cata.

  3. Quest database's are already out there and scraping WoW isn't the hardest thing in the world to do either by packets or with a addon just like wow head dose... phasing is not server heavy at all and a lot of EMU servers already have it built in these days a pretty lame programmer could even piece together a instance based system for in a couple of hours.
    Do you realise that cata content is 50% working, do you realise mop is 40 % content working, maybe less. If what you say is true we shoud have 99 % scripted and working content alrdy. You ever played retail ? You know how to do it ? Please make a server if it's that easy.

  4. Mop suck, its better to leave it, and start with the WOD soon.
    I know :D But what to do ? :D

  5. I couldn't agree more . Also I can't see why people are getting so freaked out by the release of WOD ptr here, cuz the staff on several occasions have already said that the development of WOD will not affect the development of other expansions and they all get developed in parallel to each other .
    There is a dev group for each expansion and if memory serves Sapphire once said that each group only works on the expansion they feel comfortable with, so it's not like that all the devs are going to focus on wotlk then on cata and so forth...
    And what would you say ? Hey molten ! We moved most of our devs to cata leaving mop behind ? ...sigh
    Now it feels like they are more on wod.Well there is no love for mop;C When they realsed mop at the begining we had more things to do than right now. There wasnt any serious fix like new bgs/arena and yet they are going to give us pet battle...
    WoD is a bad idea as of right now and they should fix it behind the scene for next 2 year before any ptr or release.
    Some realms are empty right now and if there will be around 1k here 1.5k there its going to look ridiculous

  6. So.. the WOD realm is in closed beta testing. But at what patch? Could you guys share a download for the client, before opening PTR?

  7. NO WOD is not dangerous. A lot of private servers have had WOD avaliable from day 1 whitout legal issues. Why? Well Blizzard gets many subs from people that try WOD there, like it but then get tired of bugs. I've been here almost since the formation of Molten and every week I see like 5 threads from people getting tired of bugs or lack of content and leaving for retail. Crysis left too. Even I left for a while to try WOD and I hate Blizzard lol. In the very remote posibility that Blizzard pays attention they can just take down the WOD realm and re launch it later.

  8. My honest opinion is screw WOD, not only do i believe the OP to be right but atm all the servers could use some more love from the dev's not had some taken away for yet another project. don't get me wrong i love wow and warmane provides that for free but i just feel like it would be a bad move opening another expansion till the other ones are fleshed out abit more

  9. NO WOD is not dangerous. A lot of private servers have had WOD avaliable from day 1 whitout legal issues.
    Hahaha there is even a server that had WoD out before retail! #NoTrollHere
    They had info from the beta and launched their server ;p

  10. Hahaha there is even a server that had WoD out before retail! #NoTrollHere
    They had info from the beta and launched their server ;p
    Seconded, I know about it too lol

  11. WoD is awesome,Pve in WoD>any other expansion,Pvp is a bit more boring,but more chaleging.MoP sucks,99% of viable combos are warrior + mw/rsham, it's damn boring to play arena on Mop when you face the same opponents all the time.and pve sucks,graphics are from vanila,+ wod got new transmogs,funn chalenge mods and garrisons,i play on retail,but ill play here aswell.

    WOD for the win

    what this means anyone can explain?
    "A closed test realm has been launched instead to further develope on."

  12. Do you realise that cata content is 50% working, do you realise mop is 40 % content working, maybe less. If what you say is true we shoud have 99 % scripted and working content alrdy. You ever played retail ? You know how to do it ? Please make a server if it's that easy.
    Yes I know how to do it, do I have the time no... as I work in RL and could not devote the time needed with out it impacting on my income...

    I said the databases are there for quests, items, mobs are about but that leaves quite a lot of work to do with things like the OP Codes, new sections and a hell of a lot of new AI which people on the EMU scene are already working on if Warmane is using SAI then they could get a lot of the ground work done for them by the scene and dedicate more time to the OP Codes and stability but I am not even sure what flavour core they use and what database is stacked with it.

  13. what this means anyone can explain?
    "A closed test realm has been launched instead to further develope on."
    It means a test realm is up but closed off to a select few or Devs only

  14. You say Molten "Warmane" is "Blizzlike"..... Well to be quite frank, Broken is NOT blizzlike. Fix wotlk realms First, they keep the highest average population and im guessing 75% of donations come from Wotlk servers as well. Stop ****ing us dedicated wotlk players, please finish the 2 oldest patched realms you have before working on a harder project. how long would it actually take to completely finish wotlk servers if you put all your employees on it? just do it allready its been what 6 years?

  15. You will not experience retail pve here dudes so stop writing wod>all. I moved to moba games till warmane introduce new bgs. Mop is boring right now. Even xmog not working fully so Im stucked.
    And you are catching ppl on the hype. Most of them didn't try wod on retail.
    If you leave your rule ''we are moving forward'' and open tbc realm,it would be more populated than cata realm for example. I wouldnt played it but lot of ppl would.
    Edited: April 17, 2015

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