1. May 6, 2015  
    Nah we understood perfectly. Just don't need to be ironic, and we won't too. It isn't a case of hiding information. The info you look for just does not exist. If it did, we would share. When it does, we do share.

  2. May 6, 2015  
    Plus the very root of the issue lies on the "priority fix list" that warmane staff has for MoP atm. Players wants:

    - More class fixes
    - More bgs
    - Old raids/more dungeons

    I'm personally looking for answers, not promises real answers not something that will give me "hopes" for a few days.
    Now let us have a look at what was fixed the last few months:

    1. Hundreds of class and combat issues have been fixed
    2. 4 new arenas and bgs have been released
    3. Dungeons and raids were released

    .. and more, of course. Such as constant stability and security updates, new system implementations with raidfinder and pet battles and lots of internal or hidden changes.

  3. May 6, 2015  
    Now let us have a look at what was fixed the last few months:

    1. Hundreds of class and combat issues have been fixed
    2. 4 new arenas and bgs have been released
    3. Dungeons and raids were released

    .. and more, of course. Such as constant stability and security updates, new system implementations with raidfinder and pet battles and lots of internal or hidden changes.
    We do appreciate all the hard work and efforts by the staff. No-one is against any of the wonderful content that has been recently released. Just to be clear though, #3 on Katarsis's list was a call for "Old" raids/dungeons, of which none were released, and there has been no indication than any ever will be. Correct me if i am wrong in my assessment.

  4. May 6, 2015  
    is there a specific reason for not merging 2 MoP realms into 1 realm thats almost allways gona be full of ppl ? only thing i wana know.....pls some honest answer without irony or w/e else u preffer doin here apparantly 2 change the way of conversation.
    imo just close lets say Sargeras and move ALL ppl to FW....everyone gona be happy i think....

  5. May 7, 2015  
    Because the tendency is for the population increase. If we merge, people will start to see long queues and complain, asking for another realm, saying we are money hungers for allowing so much queue etc etc. We have all been through it many times.

  6. May 7, 2015  
    Now let us have a look at what was fixed the last few months:

    1. Hundreds of class and combat issues have been fixed
    2. 4 new arenas and bgs have been released
    3. Dungeons and raids were released

    .. and more, of course. Such as constant stability and security updates, new system implementations with raidfinder and pet battles and lots of internal or hidden changes.
    First thank you for taking your time answering.
    While we both agree on your 3 points, sorry to say but lets be more honest here.. the purpose of MoP is playing and also soloing old content.. there's not a single old raid from classic,tbc, wotlk or even cata there's 2 and half raids cuz ToT is still being worked. You guys added raids yes, but some MoP raids not the rest of the raids that the whole game has on the expansion we're at atm.
    Yes it's true some class fixed but there's still critical talents for classes that arent working at all or specs not working at all.. there's some fixes but still not enough to be playable.
    As for the new bg's I'm happy, not so happy with the two gamebreaking bugs they have but I know you guys will fix them shortly hopefully.
    You guys added a few dungeons yes.. but not many to be pleased to farm or keep farming for something good.. (except the raven lord mount one forgot the name) there's plenty of those dungeons and raids but the hardest question is:

    - why we can't we have them tank and spank.. at least classic/tbc dungeons it makes no sense making us be bored in the end or at least re considering adding all the items that people has been suggesting on MoP marketplace and also a re look into the price of the items since it's just absurd honestly the value of some items when if we had the raids we could get a MUCH better shot doing the raid/dungeon if lucky to drop the item that we want..

    Yes, I agree with you we want constant stability and not to repeat the mistakes of the past.. but why hidden changes? also pet battles wasnt the whole purpose of MoP imo, the serpent cloud thingy that has been bugged forever now is something that people has been asking for months now and apparently they gave up now..

    Once again I agree with you on most of the things.. but you know the whole MoP isnt about some dungeons working from the past, no raids at all except a few from the expansion we're playing, it will take time yes but it doesnt explain why we can't have them tank and spank at this point..

    PS: if you're not releasing old content cuz you're afraid of losing votes.. you know you can do better, make the drop rate lower for old dungeons/raids and people will still voting eventually.
    Edited: May 7, 2015

  7. May 7, 2015  
    This was already suggested, making Sargeras a tournament realm like warsong. And allowing transfers off and on before it goes live. Indeed at first there would be an influx of players on frostwolf but it would iron out down the line, there are some people who are actually only interested in pvp even if they are not a majority. As things stand now people are to spread out across 1-89 with hardly enough people to group for anything, I only played lfr once when it was released and after that there never seemed to be enough players for the queue to pop.

    Or another suggestion bring back the old voting system to get new players, clicking 1 or 3 buttons won't really make much of a difference sure this is more convenient for the players but not for the server. And about the voting sites scamming with the rankings pfff that always was there and didn't stop molten before why should it now? :D Just put in the description warmane = molten + AT and people will fly like the flies to the light.

    About changing the rates I don't believe it would impact population at all. It would and that is only a maybe the new players (paragraph above) that we don't have in spades, and leveling on the whole isn't hard anymore, rates to me lost their purpose, on wotlk it made sense, MOP? Not really. To be honest I don't think there is a single sane person who would transfer their char off Frostwolf even if you gave them 20k gold.

    With the people whining and QQing, I find my self asking aren’t they always? And this would be for a good cause in the eyes of many sargeras people. Right now guilds are falling apart changing them like socks in hopes of finding the magical one that has more than 10ppl online. About the queue I am not a donor and in the past I sat many hours in the queue but didn’t mind it too much knowing that once I get in I can do whatever I wanted and there would be people to do it with. Right now logging on Sargeras is more like meh log in spam global for arena, raids, or whatever other people do while sitting in a bg queue, after one battleground without response, => gonna try again tomorrow.

    Sorry for the wall of text, but solving sargeras population problem won’t be easy with some cosmetics or even with old content, something more radical would have to happen. If my memory isn't failing me could you make an art/video making contest on the forums, I think back in the past you used to make promo videos about new content or realm releases (lordareon?) sorry was long ago can't remember.
    Edited: May 7, 2015

  8. May 7, 2015  
    Tournament realms are crap, pls don't.

  9. May 7, 2015  
    Because the tendency is for the population increase. If we merge, people will start to see long queues and complain, asking for another realm, saying we are money hungers for allowing so much queue etc etc. We have all been through it many times.
    Russian servers can handle 6k+ players w/o lagg, dc.
    Another russian server has recently announced cross realm arena's.
    Aaaand we got pet battles....

    Pop cap should reach atleast 5k with warmane's budget.
    Edited: May 7, 2015

  10. May 7, 2015  
    Because the tendency is for the population increase. If we merge, people will start to see long queues and complain, asking for another realm, saying we are money hungers for allowing so much queue etc etc. We have all been through it many times.
    i understand u want 2 full realms ,this is what we all want. But considering the situation...that Sargeras is never even half full and FW is maybe full just in peak hours what is the point...keeping whole 1 realm unhappy and hoping more ppl come for how long? its been a long time since release and dont get me wrong i want same thing after all i am one of the ppl that moved from FW to Sargeras trying 2 help out but u do see that situation is not geting better. so instead of having 1 realm with 2,5k ppl online and other with 1k average wouldnt it be better to merge them and have 1 realm full of ppl and MAYBE 200 ppl in queue at peak hours...then keeping 1 realm almost empty and risking losing all those ppl couse they get bored ? after all...latter on if more ppl get interasted in MoP u can allways do the same thing and open other realm with free/point req transfers ....when it comes to that over populating of 1 realm. imo in this case ur just waiting for a miracle and just HOPING more ppl will come and do something 2 help u not taking initiative...

  11. May 7, 2015  
    Here's the tl;dr:
    not taking initiative...

  12. May 7, 2015  
    I agree with most of the posters here. Sargeras is dead. The players who are left are just waiting to see if there is a fix soon. Long term fixes are out of the question, we need something fast or you can count all those players gone.

    It seems like management thinks that a bunch of new players will magically appear and join sargeras and someday a long long time from now it will be a second credible server. That is incorrect because:
    1.) Frostwolf is open for new players, so maybe 1 out of 10 new player will go to (and stay) on Sargeras anyhow.
    2.) All existing players will have left by the time any gradual change has been made.

    The state of Sargeras is: There isn't enough players to do anything, alliance pvp queue times are unacceptable, horde pvp is rediculous because there are like 3 people geared and skilled enough to pvp, 99% of horde players do not log in their mains anyhow because of the imbalance so there are thousands of level 3 toons farming copper in safe mines somewhere. Guilds are falling apart as people leave. Basically people are just coasting right now hoping for a fix, especially on the horde side.

    So it may look on ill conceived graphs like there are players doing stuff, but logging in and doing a couple of boring repetitive daily quests, queueing for something then getting disgusted when the queue is too long or its a 1 sided battleground and then qutting for the day will eventually make everyone stop waiting for a fix.

    I think a server merge is the only solution left, and only if done very soon. If not done soon Sargeras players have only 2 options, start over from scratch on Frostwolf, or quit playing completely.

  13. May 7, 2015  
    The problem with merging the servers would be the names, for example my ingame name in Sargeras is Dreamy, on Frostwolf its already taken so if you ever thought of merging the servers then be sure to make a name reset.

  14. May 7, 2015  
    Russian servers can handle 6k+ players w/o lagg, dc.
    Another russian server has recently announced cross realm arena's.
    Aaaand we got pet battles....

    Pop cap should reach atleast 5k with warmane's budget.
    Tell me. Those realms that can handle 6k+ players w/o lag or dc. Are they full, or they just say they can handle it? There is an ocean of difference between say and do.

    I think a server merge is the only solution left, and only if done very soon. If not done soon Sargeras players have only 2 options, start over from scratch on Frostwolf, or quit playing completely.
    Do you think merging realms will really solve anything? It has happened in the past and is prone to keep happening. Every time it happened people would post "realm X is dying, please merge etc". It is temporary. Now if we merge and get the realm full, I will wait for you to say that we only want people donating to skip queue instead of opening a new realm.

    It is easier to refill a realm with low population than opening another.

  15. May 7, 2015  
    hmm funy thing...first of all i maybe wrong but i think realms cap was 4,5k i think....or lets say for example 4k since am not sure. and lets say FW is "almost full" but it never was when ever i checked on site correct me if am wrong. on the other hand Sargeras never has over 2k( max i saw was 1700). atm while am writing its FW 3592 and Sarg 1328 and i havent seen alot more ever. usualy its 2,4 and 1k.. but even in this case right now merged it would make around 400 ppl in queue and thats like the worse case scenario.. only difference is that thise 1328 ppl that are on Sargeras wouldnt be 90% bored 2 death and prolly soon 2 be gone. And the thing about u expect ppl 2 whine about donations and skiping queue.... maybe they will.. but hey u will have maybe 200ppl qq but everyone online having what 2 do and why 2 stay on Warmane.
    in any case i realy hope u find solution couse if ur best solution is 2 "wait for more ppl to apear magicly " while same amount leave realm...i doubt thers gona be even a need for merge when 1 realm gets empty totaly ;)

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