1. I've been waiting since the first post, when everyone around you was asking the same questions, I tried not to be meticulous, and now...
    X5 rates...
    I really hope that in the end you decide to still put X1.

  2. I don't understand these People who actually want x1 leveling, **** who the wants to spend 10+ Days /Played to get to max level. Quest Design in Vanilla was pure Garbage, especially for Alliance so having higher xp rates is a very welcoming change for most People who have **** to do, pretty sure you will be able to adjust the xp rates to x1so if you want to knock yourself out for ''the real vanilla experience'' have fun i guess.

    Tho i agree that x5 xp might be a little too much given that we have RDF which will make everything way faster, i think x3 xp will be the perfect middle ground. not too Tedious not too fast.

  3. no, i hope it would be x7 rates. i hate lvling

  4. This is simply not true, nobody wants to burn 11 days playing a character to reach 60, you're deluted if you think that's true.

    Thanks for answering my questions mods, and updating the faq.
    Who told you're allowed to speak for everyone? Got any document approving that?
    11 days omg wow so long kek. While most players on all warmane realms have 50+ days /played only running around in capital cities.
    I wish I could enjoy lvling for as long as possible and the thing is, I can set it 0.5 ofc, but it's important that every location/dungeon on the way to 60 should be swarmed with other leveling characters, otherwise, it's not the experience awaited from vanilla, and I'll better not spoil my memories of it. I played vanilla and re-released classic, they both were blizzlike and enjoyable. Check out the population history of blizzard classic re-release realms, that would probably help you to realize the amount of players who enjoyed x1. And plenty of those players will swarm this new warmane realm I bet, cuz blizzard have made some bad decisions in the past year, which reflected on their community ofc.

  5. Some people enjoy accelerated rates, and some people enjoy 1x. I prefer 1x personally, but when I play on an accelerated server setting my XP rate to 1 feels like intentionally handicapping myself. Splitting the server in two might not be the best idea depending on the turnout, but some kind of rewards system or title for leveling 1x (or other challenge modes! enough people enjoyed hardcore mode for blizzard to make it official) might increase draw to the server and reduce that feeling of handicapping yourself for no reason. Benefits of 1x is an argument I'm sure has been rehashed ad infinitum, so I'm not going to go into detail about it here, but if anyone feels inspired to bring them up I encourage it.

  6. x5 rates would be a disaster. x1 is the only way.

  7. 5) PvP / PvE realm is an endless discussion, and you will never satisfy everyone, but let's speak facts. World PvP is a major part of the old experience no matter what people say. As always it should be taken into consideration and maybe a compromise as well can take place. We know that some areas are rich in PvP ( Stranglethorn, Dire Maul, Arathi, Burning Steppes etc. ). These areas can be flagged as PvP and the rest not ? This will make the world PvP alive, players that actually want to PvP will flock to these areas and the rest will be calm leaving people to farm and level in peace. In my opinion disabling the PvP alltogether is a wrong move and will have negative impact on the overall experience, cutting off large part of it.
    This sounds like a good compromise between a PVP and a PVE realm. Will enable a significant amount of worldPVP while allowing people to level and farm in peace in the calmer zones. A known pvp hotspot like Stranglethorn can be skipped while leveling and farming.

  8. ban multiboxing, thats all from me.

  9. i would like to suggest exp rate x1. For a vote point on the site, you could increase it to x2 or x3 for 24 hours. In addition, anyone who doesn't like exp could additionally increase the exp rate by x3. If someone wanted an additional boost to the exp rate, you can raise it by an additional x2 for the weekend. I suggest that the exp rate increase should be scaling. Finally, lazy players would have x8 exp rate on weekends. Lazy players even get a better exp rate than initially assumed.

    As for selling items, if you want to make it so hard for PVE players, at least don't implement raid item sales...
    in terms of selling items, at least don't make it harder for PVE players like you did on icecrown. On icecrown, to get to a raid you need to have items from a given raid, and such a raid ends in the middle anyway. As for the fact that I could collect such a raid myself and reserve items for myself. I don't have time for an extra 2 hours of play just to look for people because the admins like to make the game harder for normal PVE players

  10. Xp rates:
    They're spending a lot of time and money to create this realm. From a financial standpoint, make the realm 1x is a terrible idea. The majority of the player base will not make it to 60 on a 1x server. We already have classic vanilla for 1x and soon to be hardcore. There is no reason to make this realm 1x. 5x seems a bit high though. I think 3x would be the perfect middle ground.

    Talents based on each expansion isn't desirable. I'm very surprised they're trying to go this route. 3.3.5 was that perfect sweet spot in the game for overall class design. It creates a much less toxic meta and gives people a wide variety of options to play different specs and be viable. Why not base it on 3.3.5 and make a few balance changes if needed throughout each expansion. Please reconsider this.

    The player base seems to be split on this one. I would create a "warmode" that allows you to gain a benefit(increased Xp, increased profession gathering and/or increased drop rates) while toggled for PVP. Forcing the entire player to go one way or the other will cut the population down quite a bit. This will also hurt your potential on capitalizing on this opportunity to generate additional income. Please find a middle ground on this one.

    The rest seems great! Excited to try this out and create new experiences along the way.

  11. Hello dear Moderators and GM`s,

    Please kindly stop listening to the people asking for x1 and x3 experience, that is a dog**** choice for a 20 year old game which nobody besides hardcore people want to get.
    Keep it x5 and let people choose how they want to have it from beginning.
    People want to come back to have fun not to spend 200 hours just to get lvl 60.
    Thanks for understanding.

    A normal brained human.

  12. The fact that we will have RDF from start kind of defeats the purpose of having the hybrid PVP/PVE realm. Even if they drop from 5x to 3x XP rate is ultimately irrelevant since everyone will level and gear up super fast using RDF. If you get a steady group for dungeon spamming, after level 15 you're pretty much safe till you hit 60. So there is no reason not to go for pure PVP realm. If you played a Tank for example on Frostmourn you basically hit 15, did a ress spell quest and you never had to leave the city with instant summons that get you to max level in a day or two. My point is with RDF in place, those who love world PVP are already at a huge disadvantage. Why would anyone who is purely a PVE player go through the struggle in STV for example, when they can instant queue for SM and skip that level zone in a few hours.

  13. everybody can play beta right? and chars will get deleted when official launch or what?

  14. Xp rates:
    They're spending a lot of time and money to create this realm. From a financial standpoint, make the realm 1x is a terrible idea. The majority of the player base will not make it to 60 on a 1x server. We already have classic vanilla for 1x and soon to be hardcore. There is no reason to make this realm 1x. 5x seems a bit high though. I think 3x would be the perfect middle ground.
    if you read what I wrote, you'll see that I suggest x8 for the lazy and x1 for the rest. What you are proposing will only increase the number of bots like on icecrown. Do you want bots or players to farm herbalism and mining on the server? Why are you so eager to make it easier for bots and not humans?

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