1. My brother is vegan tho he sint becouse of butchering animals lol.He like's the healthy food and belive me some delikates he can make, can make u drool and its 100% meat free.Though he is boxing and working as personal trainer not to mention serving in (Gorska sluzba Spasavanja) Rescue operations on volunteer basis his body need to be top fit and healthy.
    On topic spending money careless in ever changing world econmy is risky and dangerous.U never know when ul get fired.Personaly im a smoker so i spend rougly 80 euros per month for cigs.I dont drink or go out couse its boring city.I save up to 100 euros per month.Now imagine ppl on social care in germany receiving 3500 euros per month.Its like year salary in my country lol.
    Many people treat vegan style of life wrong, they lack proteins and nutrients. It's not impossible to get them through vegetables but people usually don't understand what balance means. I mean they think if they eat bananas and apples that they are healthy.

  2. Sure we pay less. Well rent for as a student is Ôé¼100 in the biggest city in the state. Monthly. As for food you can eat bread 3 days which costs Ôé¼0.5 and drink tap water which equals to Ôé¼5 a month for food and water. For clothes you can always get Mike shoes for Ôé¼5 and Dolće and Đabana coat for Ôé¼15 with Denis jeans for Ôé¼3 which you can wash every 7 days. If you don't go out or do anything just sit at home and study, don't drink or smoke that's Ôé¼0. Which overall ends up being Ôé¼128 monthly as a student here.
    That's not sustainable; you can't just live off bread and water for an extended period of time. So your budget is kind of worthless.

  3. Going to a dermatologist next week. It's going to be like going to the dentist. You think you're free and clear of any problems but NOPE. You have Ebola and Melanoma.

  4. That's not sustainable; you can't just live off bread and water for an extended period of time. So your budget is kind of worthless.
    For a longer period no, max 6 months, but that's not the point. You can live really cheap, add one hundred more euros and still it's not that much.

  5. For a longer period no, max 6 months, but that's not the point. You can live really cheap, add one hundred more euros and still it's not that much.
    You will die or feel miserable in those six months of just eating bread.

  6. Many people treat vegan style of life wrong, they lack proteins and nutrients. It's not impossible to get them through vegetables but people usually don't understand what balance means. I mean they think if they eat bananas and apples that they are healthy.
    That is not true balance?
    Worlds best athlete usain bolt is on vegetable diet and he is vegan.All the nutritions are gathered in vegetables,sometimes i get amazec how he eats little but gots so much energy.The one thing he thought me is that human jaw was designed to eat vegetable and fruit and our stomac(zeludac) must be easy dispatch food,when u eat meat u get sometimes cramps and gasses most likey bloated stomac.Now i know that vegan lifestyle is bit diferent when i talk about food couse its almost like tasteles to me atleast dont get me wrong i like vegetable but i like itmore served with so roasted beef or sauseges.
    So placebo when u lat the top sportists they are all on vegan diet for more energy and less body fat and if everyone want to be at their best fitness or make it in the sports world they must be on that strick diet.

  7. That is not true balance?
    Worlds best athlete usain bolt is on vegetable diet and he is vegan.All the nutritions are gathered in vegetables,sometimes i get amazec how he eats little but gots so much energy.The one thing he thought me is that human jaw was designed to eat vegetable and fruit and our stomac(zeludac) must be easy dispatch food,when u eat meat u get sometimes cramps and gasses most likey bloated stomac.Now i know that vegan lifestyle is bit diferent when i talk about food couse its almost like tasteles to me atleast dont get me wrong i like vegetable but i like itmore served with so roasted beef or sauseges.
    So placebo when u lat the top sportists they are all on vegan diet for more energy and less body fat and if everyone want to be at their best fitness or make it in the sports world they must be on that strick diet.
    No one is saying you can't eat healithy as a vegetarian/vegan, just that it's harder to do so. We can expect athletes like Usain Bolt to have access to dieticians who tell them what sort of food they need to eat to achieve what they want physically, a resource that many people do not have. The fact that there are people who are vegan and physically fit does not counter the argument that it's more difficult to get the right nutrients by being vegan.

  8. As i said its hard to get use to vegan diet still if ur willing enough ul find all that u need in book's and people who actualy are on diet though the tough time.Many ppl are addicted to meat but once u stop eating it after few months when u try it itaste will be awfull.As with everything u need strong will and character to achieve perfection.

  9. I could never live life without this.

    Spoiler: Show

  10. Vegans usually spend more money on "healthy" producs and supliments (pills)... so yeah, going vegan won't make it any cheaper...

  11. wow envy death in FMAB was sad lol more then i expected

  12. Vegans usually spend more money on "healthy" producs and supliments (pills)... so yeah, going vegan won't make it any cheaper...
    Being healthy definitely isn't cheap. I'm on a high protein low carb diet for bulking and it's actually costing me quite a bit of money but it's so worth it.

  13. I'd rather eat meat and work out (if I were to want to lose weight) than force myself to give up on meat and eat pills instead...

  14. I'd rather eat meat and work out (if I were to want to lose weight) than force myself to give up on meat and eat pills instead...
    Yes meat is key! Lean meats like chicken and steak are really high in protein and low on carbs :)

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