1. This question has been asked 50 times i swear if you look around on the forums YOU WILL find your answer.
    Not everyone spends 24/7 on forums.

  2. Not everyone spends 24/7 on forums.
    Which makes the "Search" button that much more invaluable to those.

  3. I agree with pretty much everything peregrine said on the page before this. Make it hard, make it challenging, but make it retail like. Keep the ICC buff, its there for a reason, if its as blizzlike as it should be it will be needed. You have to remember that people are going to be going into ICC with the lower tiered gear, there wont be people in "full donor" gear carrying anyone. People wont even have managed to get full gear from the previous tier if this time frame is anything to go by.
    I would put gear / raid releases at 4-5 months per tier. With one or maybe two raids a week (10 and 25 man) people will take time to gear up. Especially if they aren't doing a full clear of naxx until maybe 5 weeks after naxx is released (despite what everyone says, naxx IS hard when you go and raid it with almost everyone in blue / green gear, i know, i was probably the first raid leader molten had when it first opened back in '09, and getting 25+ people to farm heroics and reputations prior to naxx was a massive challenge).
    Frankly im hoping every single raid is as hard as ICC heroic when it comes out. because it should all scale with the gear you have

  4. Is Carbonite going to be available to use?

  5. Is Carbonite going to be available to use?
    Yea, all addons for 3.3.5a works on the PTR, so they will do that on live as well...

  6. I agree with pretty much everything peregrine said on the page before this. Make it hard, make it challenging, but make it retail like. Keep the ICC buff, its there for a reason, if its as blizzlike as it should be it will be needed. You have to remember that people are going to be going into ICC with the lower tiered gear, there wont be people in "full donor" gear carrying anyone. People wont even have managed to get full gear from the previous tier if this time frame is anything to go by.
    I would put gear / raid releases at 4-5 months per tier. With one or maybe two raids a week (10 and 25 man) people will take time to gear up. Especially if they aren't doing a full clear of naxx until maybe 5 weeks after naxx is released (despite what everyone says, naxx IS hard when you go and raid it with almost everyone in blue / green gear, i know, i was probably the first raid leader molten had when it first opened back in '09, and getting 25+ people to farm heroics and reputations prior to naxx was a massive challenge).
    Frankly im hoping every single raid is as hard as ICC heroic when it comes out. because it should all scale with the gear you have
    The icc buff was only implemented as a nerf lol. IT IS NOT SUPPOSE TO BE THERE WHEN IT RELEASES + naxx is easy with or without gear if they do not buff naxx guilds will clear it in the first 2-3 days and then afk until ulduar releases.

  7. The icc buff was only implemented as a nerf lol. IT IS NOT SUPPOSE TO BE THERE WHEN IT RELEASES + naxx is easy with or without gear if they do not buff naxx guilds will clear it in the first 2-3 days and then afk until ulduar releases.
    If they release the original wotlk-naxx it will be hard, if they release the 3.3.5a naxx it will be a walk in the park with greens xD

  8. ummmmis it just me or 2 pages were deleted? xD

  9. ummmmis it just me or 2 pages were deleted? xD
    Yeah it was moderated prob because it was pointless and just drama i suppose. Also I hope Naxx will be harder due to the HP/DMG buff they consider :)

  10. Do you blame the pig or the man that feeds it? [No hard feelings]

    Green_dev was just being playful and stirring up people a little bit with his reply. I didn't actually know for a fact the content was already scripted, I simply read what he said without interpreting it in a negative way, like people jumped to. It wasn't any major official announcement or anything, just a post that got clarified little after.

    Even then, saying something is right or wrong without explanation has its place. In this case it could simply be that the actual information was meant to be kept until later, not made public right now, and he wanted to tease and make people think a bit with a hint. On other things, such as design decisions, it just goes beyond right or wrong - some things are as they as because they were simply decided so.
    My point intends to address a more general context [member-member/staff-member]. I believe it would make the forum much more productive if we justify our statements as good/clear as possible. In the particular case you mention, I don't mind if staff wants to pull a leg now and then, we are all humans after all, and there are really no hard feelings kept by members who have lived/experienced this life long enough.

    Regarding the disclosure restrains to provide explanations that you mention, I think saying it will be announced officially in the near future IMHO works much better than saying nothing at all; or similarly, it is an executive decision not open for debate at the moment in the case of explanations for axiomatic features. Of course, there could be members that would not understand the logical reasoning behind these type of explanations, complain about them and whatnot, but at the least there would be much less misunderstandings among the ones that are able to do it.

    Edited: September 8, 2015

  11. My point intends to address a more general context [member-member/staff-member]. I believe it would make the forum much more productive if we justify our statements as good/clear as possible. In the particular case you mention, I don't mind if staff wants to pull a leg now and then, we are all humans after all, and there are really no hard feelings kept by members who have lived/experienced this life long enough.

    Regarding the disclosure restrains to provide explanations that you mention, I think saying it will be announced officially in the near future IMHO works much better than saying nothing at all; or similarly, it is an executive decision not open for debate at the moment in the case of explanations for axiomatic features. Of course, there could be members that would not understand the logical reasoning behind these type of explanations, complain about them and whatnot, but at the least there would be much less misunderstandings among the ones that are able to do it.

    I think you are taking it too seriously.
    green_dev was just having fun giving not-explicit statements.
    If you just thought a little more about them, i bet you would be able to understand theyr meaning :D
    But i know, the hype for this server is really high, and you want to be sure about any information you are getting.
    Just dont make it too long mate :D I was having fun reading the questioning comments to his statement xD

    Btw...people still asking for rdf/wipe... seriously...

    Uhm. I heard a voice that from 6th Sept the realm would be opened for some betatester.

    If this is true, and there are some who are reading this, can you tell us something we still don't know? Is it going all fine?

  12. Final Note [Well-argued Responses]

    If you just thought a little more about them, i bet you would be able to understand their meaning :D
    Dude, that event with green_dev you mention is just an example, perhaps not a very good one, and certainly it is not important in the bigger picture. I was trying to point out a common communication issue in the server's forum, from which most of us [member-member/staff-member] are responsible for (a.k.a. something in a bigger context). I thought I was clear with what I wrote. Maybe, I should just give up trying to bring the server's forum closer to reason. Anyway, enjoy the hype and I wish you all the best!
    Edited: September 8, 2015

  13. Yeah it was moderated prob because it was pointless and just drama i suppose. Also I hope Naxx will be harder due to the HP/DMG buff they consider :)
    it wasnt really drama ... i saw worse, it was fine, why it got deleted and the other things stay xD well whatever , true it was pointless though
    edit: im sad my good story was deleted, my brain worked hard for that
    Edited: September 8, 2015

  14. All Kalimdor / Eastern Kingdoms quests are correctly working?

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