1. Dungeon Finder disabled

    This will be ever changed?

  2. Dungeon Finder disabled

    This will be ever changed?
    There will be discussions about it next year but my hope is that it will be NEVER enabled for the sake of just that RDF made the game worse imo!

  3. There will be discussions about it next year but my hope is that it will be NEVER enabled for the sake of just that RDF made the game worse imo!
    well and i hope it will be enabled when ICC will be released (as in how it was in blizz servers) and if not i hope warmane will put there some daily reward from NPC or something like that. from what i remember in the past lordaeron,i know there was 1 NPC giving the raid quest (weekly quest). aside from the weekly, u had the daily reward of the RDF - its a method to make ppl stay here - like in most of the games now. well but whatever, do whatever u want :)
    Edited: September 9, 2015

  4. well and i hope it will be enabled when ICC will be released (as in how it was in blizz servers) and if not i hope warmane will put there some daily reward from NPC or something like that. from what i remember in the past lordaeron,i know there was 1 NPC giving the raid quest (weekly quest). aside from the weekly, u had the daily reward of the RDF - its a method to make ppl stay here - like in most of the games now. well but whatever, do whatever u want :)
    Well we will see what they decide whatever i will still be playing on the realm whatever they decide to do :) Since i wanna play here and experience wrath like how it was and how hard it was when it was actually relevant. It's just my opinion really :) The weekly quest is in the game i saw it in Dalaran. So you don't have to worry about that one :) Maybe it is but we will see... It's too early to tell!
    Edited: September 9, 2015

  5. I'm really hoping for Wintergrasp battels in Northrend. Been a while since i played that. Bring it back please!
    It is done. They are just making sure it cannot be exploited or being used to afk-farm.

  6. It is done. They are just making sure it cannot be exploited or being used to afk-farm.
    Holy **** O_o so the battle for wintergrasp is actually going to work? Like you can only do voa when your faction is in control?

    Damn I never thought i'd see it working on this server, is it confirmed by staff somewhere?

  7. Holy **** O_o so the battle for wintergrasp is actually going to work? Like you can only do voa when your faction is in control?

    Damn I never thought i'd see it working on this server, is it confirmed by staff somewhere?
    Yeah there is somewhere on the 123 pages of forum posts :D

  8. Holy **** O_o so the battle for wintergrasp is actually going to work? Like you can only do voa when your faction is in control?

    Damn I never thought i'd see it working on this server, is it confirmed by staff somewhere?
    I can confirm for you. Everything is planned to be scripted on Lordaeron. There is no detail too small or too big. We just have to make sure it's all implemented properly.

  9. 15 days left. Such hype. Miss wotlk. Much.

  10. Is it confirmed that the server will stay in vanilla content for a month after launch, and then 2 month in bc? If that is the case how will they handle talents during vanilla/bc phase? Will talents be locked to 31/41 points to stay 'blizzlike' or will the whole tree be available at start?

  11. Is it confirmed that the server will stay in vanilla content for a month after launch, and then 2 month in bc? If that is the case how will they handle talents during vanilla/bc phase? Will talents be locked to 31/41 points to stay 'blizzlike' or will the whole tree be available at start?
    It has not yet been confirmed but it seems like its gonna be 1-2 months in each exp.

    Talents will be wotlk. Anything else would be custom content.

  12. 15 days left. Such hype. Miss wotlk. Much.
    15 days to ETA. But who knows, it might go live on time :D

  13. 15 days to ETA. But who knows, it might go live on time :D
    I freaking hope so cause the wait is killing me!

  14. I can confirm for you. Everything is planned to be scripted on Lordaeron. There is no detail too small or too big. We just have to make sure it's all implemented properly.
    Wintergrasp on retail was so damn fun, especially when u were fighting full raids for the entrance to VoA.

    Will the 4 bosses grant honor as they are supposed to?

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